Further measures | Physiotherapy for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

Further measures

As described above, the measures in the treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis are manifold due to the complex clinical picture and different stages. Besides active and passive movement therapy as the main measure:

  • Thermal applications
  • Electrotherapy
  • Water therapy
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Massages
  • Manual lymphatic drainage
  • Tape recorders


Juvenile idiopathic arthritis is a progressive inflammatory disease of the joints that occurs in adolescence and is often associated with psychological problems and limitations in joint mobility and everyday activities. There is no cure for the disease, but active and passive measures can be taken to limit the symptoms and rapid progression and maintain quality of life. It is important not to lose motivation and active cooperation over time in order to avoid serious restrictive consequences.

The juvenile idiopathic arthritis is one of the rheumatic diseases and in the majority of cases the presence of the rheumatoid factor is known. Symptomatically, several joints are affected, which in relapses react with inflammation, pain and considerable restriction in function and resilience. The tissue around the affected joints swells up due to the inflammation, is warm and red.

A flare lasts for about six weeks and first appears before the age of sixteen, which is why there is also talk of children’s rheumatism. Due to the pain and functional limitations, the patient takes a relieving posture, which leads to further muscular shortening and imbalances. In the following articles you will also find further information:

  • Posture school
  • Back school
  • Fibromyalgia syndrome