Further therapeutic measures | Physiotherapy for rheumatism

Further therapeutic measures

The treatment spectrum for rheumatic diseases is wide. In addition to physiotherapy with manual therapy, exercises and soft tissue treatment, physical therapy is also used. Heat and cold applications can alleviate symptoms and influence inflammation.

Rheumatism groups (Rheumaliga) or water gymnastics are frequently offered. In the medium water the joints are less burdened and the movement is often evaluated as more pleasant. In the case of severe limitations in mobility, it is important to practise the use of aids (gripping arm, cutlery, etc.).

A change in diet is also part of the overall package in the treatment of rheumatic diseases. Of course, the patient must be adjusted medically by the doctor (anti-inflammatory antirheumatic drugs). Due to the chronic pain, psychological aspects must also be considered. Many clinics offer rehabilitation and courses for rheumatic patients, which may be subsidized by the health insurance.


There is a variety of different rheumatic diseases, which are treated differently. In physiotherapy, besides fibrobmylgia patients (soft tissue rheumatism), there are mainly patients who have a rheumatic disease affecting the joints. Here it is important to maintain the mobility of the changing joints with the most appropriate load possible and to enable pain-free movement.

The therapy attaches great importance to gentle mobilization and is multifaceted. Often the hands or the spine are affected (M. Bechterew). The latter includes an improving training program for straightening the BWS, which also includes breathing.

The diagnosis of a rheumatic disease is often difficult and protracted. There are the so-called rheumatoid factors that can be detected in the blood, but these are not necessarily present in the blood count (seronegative). Rheumatism is not a disease that occurs only in old age.

Children and young people can also be affected. Recurring inflammations can cause changes in the joints (degeneration) and deformities and the resulting movement restrictions can occur.Fibromyalgia is characterized by hypersensitivity to pain in muscles and tendons. Overloading of physical and psychological nature is suspected as the cause.

In physiotherapy, attempts are made to improve or maintain the mobility of the joints through gentle treatment. In acute rheumatic attacks, i.e. when the joint or tissue is inflamed, it is important to achieve pain relief through gentle therapy and relief of the joints. These topics might also be of interest to you: Polyarthritis Physiotherapy Bechterew’s disease Physiotherapy Spondylarthritis Physiotherapy for Juvenile idiopathic arthritis The diagnosis of a rheumatic disease is often difficult and lengthy.

There are the so-called rheumatoid factors that can be detected in the blood, but these are not necessarily present in the blood count (seronegative). Rheumatism is not a disease that occurs only in old age. Children and young people can also be affected.

Recurring inflammations can cause changes in the joints (degeneration) and deformities and the resulting movement restrictions can occur. Fibromyalgia is characterized by hypersensitivity to pain in muscles and tendons. An overloading of physical and psychological nature is suspected as the cause.

In physiotherapy, attempts are made to improve or maintain the mobility of the joints through gentle treatment. In acute rheumatic attacks, i.e. when the joint or tissue is inflamed, it is important to achieve pain relief through gentle therapy and relief of the joints. These topics might also be of interest to you:

  • Polyarthritis
  • Physiotherapy Bechterew’s disease
  • Physiotherapy Spondylarthritis
  • Physiotherapy for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis