Furuncles at the hairline | Furuncle in the neck

Furuncles at the hairline

Boils typically form near hairs. Thus they occur very frequently on the face, in the neck area at the hairline and on the buttocks. They are caused by germs that penetrate along the hair in depth to the hair root.

Even the smallest injuries are enough and the bacteria trigger an inflammatory reaction. There a harmless pimple and a nodule develops first. If the inflammation develops further, an accumulation of pus can eventually form.

Near the hair follicle, an encapsulated nodule can then be felt. In this case one speaks of a boil. The accumulation of pus creates pressure under the skin and the inflammation can now also cause unpleasant pain. Especially at the hairline, frequent sweating and poor hygiene can promote the development of boils.

The treatment of a furuncle in the neck

Boils in the head area as well as in the neck should first be examined and treated by a doctor in order to reduce the risk of spreading the bacteria. In addition to pulling ointments such as Ichtholan®, which accelerate the development process of a furuncle and thus also cause faster healing, classic ointments containing antibiotics can also be used. Through the pulling ointments the boil opens up quickly.

The pus flows off and the healing process can begin. The open wound should be covered with clean, preferably sterile plasters so that the infectious pus is not carried away. Another treatment option is to open the furuncle.

This method is performed by a doctor under hygienic conditions. Often a boil is only opened early if it is very large, does not open spontaneously and causes the patient great pain. Here too, the wound is then disinfected, rinsed and covered with a sterile dressing.

Furthermore, anti-inflammatory ointments or medication can be taken. These include, for example, cortisone, a steroid hormone. Various pain-relieving medications can be taken against the pain. Paracetamol or ibuprofen help to quickly reduce the pain.