Gain Weight Healthy

Tips for losing weight quickly are a dime a dozen. At the same time, doctors complain about the health risks of being overweight, and supermarkets entice customers with light products. But that is only one side of the coin. There are also many people who are underweight, who weigh too little. So little, in fact, that they don’t feel good in their bodies and, in the worst case, their health is at risk. Then it’s a matter of gaining weight – but in a healthy way.

Problem case underweight

Causes for weight loss are manifold. In old age, we automatically lose weight, but chronic diseases can also eat away at the body. Stress and dieting also cause the pounds to tumble. Some people are unable to gain weight despite their best efforts. Others don’t even notice that they are continuously losing weight – until the body goes on strike at some point. Because then the body is exhausted, has no substance and no more energy reserves. It is difficult to draw the line between “slim” and underweight. One point of reference is the body mass index (BMI), which relates weight to body surface area. If a value below 19 is calculated for women or below 20 for men, the weight deviates from that of the normal population. Important: This does not necessarily mean that health is at risk. But if corresponding symptoms are added or if fat tissue and muscle mass make up less than one-third of body weight, there is a need for action. Because there is a risk of deficiency symptoms, states of exhaustion and a weakening of the immune system.

Gain weight – but how?

If you suffer from underweight and would like to gain weight, you should first consult your doctor. He will check your current health status and will probably advise you to change your diet. Targeted muscle building is also necessary to strengthen your body and gain weight in a healthy way. It is important to identify the cause of the underweight in order to respond appropriately. If you are exposed to stress, you should try to shift down a gear and allow yourself enough time for regular meals in peace. If you feel that certain situations and conditions are negatively affecting your eating behavior, take notes throughout the day and record what exactly is spoiling your appetite. Ambitious dieting goals can also result in a pathological underweight. In all of the above cases, it is always advisable to seek help from a nutritionist and/or a psychologist. People with a genetic predisposition to an active metabolism are often at their wit’s end. Because no matter how hard they try, they simply cannot gain weight. In this case, they should talk to a doctor to find out whether there is a risk to their health. If this is the case, a diet plan can be helpful.

Gain weight healthily with a diet plan

Gaining weight is not as easy as it may sound at first. When aiming to gain weight, it depends – similar to losing weight – on the choice of food and regular food intake. First of all, you should eat what you feel like. In most cases, the body tells itself what is good for it. Of course, calorie-dense foods are ideal for gaining weight. Fresh fruit, steamed vegetables, fish, eggs, whole grains and dairy products are extremely nutritious. With the latter it may be also calmly the fat-containing kinds. Meat is also on the menu. Here, however, rather the low-fat variety and no more than three times a week. In general, the food should be varied and spread over many small dishes throughout the day. Seven to eight meals are desirable. Lunch can include three courses without hesitation. The main course should consist of several components, for example fish, vegetables and rice. Snacking is allowed in between meals: Nuts, dried fruit, cheese cubes, cookies and cream yogurts – you should have something of these handy.

Weight gain made easy

When cooking, little fatteners help make your meal more caloric. Rely on oil, butter, cream and creme fraiche to saute vegetables, fry meats and add flavor to sauces. Certain spices such as chili, ginger and basil can stimulate appetite and activate salivation. Flatulent and highly filling foods – which include fast food and raw vegetables – should be avoided, as they can cause abdominal pain and an unpleasant feeling of fullness.

Tips for healthy muscle building

In addition to proper nutrition, exercise is an important factor in gaining weight in a healthy way. This is because if the weight gained is only deposited in the form of fat, the risk of cardiovascular disease increases. Targeted muscle building is achieved through a combination of regular training and protein-rich food. Light weight training and gymnastics are ideal to start with – both sports that can be pursued in a gym.

Regular exercise is important

Many studios also offer classes under professional guidance to help you get started. Alternatives include sports clubs or simply a workout buddy. Exercise in the great outdoors additionally boosts appetite – so a short walk before lunch is definitely recommended. It is important to exercise two to three times a week for at least 30 minutes. Endurance training should be avoided during the muscle building phase, as it promotes weight loss. Smokers should reconsider their habits: because smoking not only has a negative effect on athletic endurance, but also cranks up the metabolism, which stands in the way of successful weight gain.

Special case children

Many parents despair sheerly because their little defiant heads do not like to eat – or at least not what is on the table. However, these phases of resistance are quite normal, almost every child goes through them. The reason is often the desire for attention or a showdown with adults. However, it can become problematic if the refusal to eat drags on for a long time and is accompanied by symptoms such as listlessness and tiredness. Then it is time to consult a doctor. The following tips will encourage children to eat:

  • Eating together with the whole family – preferably at fixed times.
  • Avoid distractions at the dinner table, such as toys, television or even arguments
  • No sweets, snacks or satiating drinks before the meal
  • Let young children touch and smell the food
  • Decorate meal appealing – the eye eats with you

Weight loss in old age – when nothing tastes good anymore.

In old age, it is easy to lose weight; the metabolism is shut down, the energy requirement is lower and chewing and swallowing difficulties make eating difficult. There is also a loss of the nerve endings responsible for taste sensation – everything tastes the same. However, the elderly in particular are more susceptible to infections and should keep up their strength. If everything tastes bland, intense spices (with the exception of salt) can help. Food intake is made easier by pureeing and shredding food into small pieces. Drinking foods from the pharmacy, homemade fruit compotes, cottage cheese, rice pudding and cream puddings are also alternatives to counteract weight loss in old age.

10 Food tips for rapid weight gain

  1. Salads with oil dressings, olives and sunflower seeds.
  2. Soups with oils and creme fraiche
  3. Vegetables pickled in oil, for example tomatoes
  4. Steamed vegetables refined with canola oil, butter or cream
  5. Fish and meat, also as casseroles topped with cheese
  6. Cream sauces
  7. Fruit compote with whipped cream and nuts
  8. Cream puddings
  9. Milkshakes and yogurt drinks
  10. Snacks such as chocolate, nuts, dried fruit and cookies.