Gastrointestinal Flu: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Gastrointestinal flu, gastrointestinal infection or gastroenteritis is an infection or disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Mostly caused by bacteria or viruses, it often occurs in children, who often orally ingest the germs through their environment.

What is gastroenteritis?

Many people know gastroenteritis by the term gastroenteritis. This generally refers to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. The first signs are vomiting and/or diarrhea. There are various causes for this. This type of illness can be treated by symptomatic therapies. Preventive measures to avoid contracting gastrointestinal flu are mainly hygienic measures. Regular and thorough washing of hands, especially if you have moved in public places, is a simple preventive measure.


The most common causes of gastroenteritis are viruses, bacteria, or protozoa (single-celled organisms). How subsequently from the infection the symptoms arise is quite different. As a rule, the pathogens destroy the mucous membrane to varying degrees. The problem that arises from this is that the gastrointestinal tract does not digest the newly ingested food. As a result, the undigested food binds water and the stool becomes thin. Some types of gastroenteritis produce bacterial toxins (called toxins) that cause increased water or salt loss through the mucosal cells of the intestines. Bacterial toxins can enter the body through spoiled food. This can lead to inflammation of the gastric mucosa during gastroenteritis. The “classic” food poisoning occurs. Due to medication is another way to get sick with “toxic gastroenteritis”. Another, physical cause can be the disease caused by ionizing radiation. As an example, cancer treatment may be mentioned. Here, the stomach or intestinal mucosa is damaged to such an extent that it can no longer fulfill its function for digestion.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

In gastroenteritis, the first symptoms and complaints appear within a few hours. Severity and expression depend, among other things, on the type of pathogen and the patient’s physical condition. Typically, there is nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal cramps. Some affected individuals vomit several times per hour, often through the nose. In extreme cases, the vomit can become trapped in the airways, causing pneumonia. The diarrhea usually appears mucous and pale, and in severe cases of gastroenteritis it is very watery. This is usually accompanied by abdominal pain, which occurs at intervals and initially subsides after going to the toilet. These gastrointestinal symptoms are accompanied by general signs of illness. For example, fever, headache, aching limbs and fatigue often occur with colds and flu-like infections. Sometimes these symptoms occur before the vomiting diarrhea, in other cases they occur simultaneously. In severe cases, gastroenteritis can lead to dehydration, nerve disorders or intestinal obstruction. Inflammation of the colon is also possible in the course of gastroenteritis. In some patients, the illness is completely asymptomatic and resolves without major symptoms after a few days.

Course of the disease

Gastrointestinal flu is most commonly transmitted by fecal-oral smear infection. Hands that are not properly washed are sufficient to allow infectious stool to enter food, which in turn enters the gastrointestinal tract of the next patient via the mouth. Salmonella is also transmitted this way. Of course, the longer the “enriched” food is stored, the more the pathogens have the opportunity to multiply. In the case of Noro viruses, on the other hand, it is sufficient to be in the vicinity of a gushing vomiting patient. Droplets containing the pathogen can “float” in the air and be picked up by bystanders, who then also contract gastroenteritis. The incubation period (duration), i.e., the time that elapses from ingestion of the pathogen to signs of the first symptoms, ranges from 4 to 48 hours. The onset is loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting as the virus travels from the top to the bottom. If these signs subside, diarrhea follows.The stomach flu may also well be accompanied by fever, as is usually the case with viral illnesses.


In most cases, gastrointestinal flu does not cause any particular complications or serious symptoms. Most flu can be treated thereby already with domestic means relatively well. Only in severe cases a treatment by a and with the help of medicines is necessary thereby. As a rule, complications can occur if the gastrointestinal flu is not treated and the affected person continues to follow his diet and does not spare the stomach. Diarrhea or vomiting may occur. It is not uncommon for those affected to also suffer from flatulence and a general feeling of illness. The patient becomes fatigued and tired, so that everyday life is significantly restricted. As a rule, those affected by gastrointestinal flu often have to go to the toilet and can no longer hold their stool. This leads to restrictions in everyday working life. Treatment of gastrointestinal flu does not lead to complications. With the help of medication, the triggering bacteria can be treated, so that the symptoms of the flu can be limited again relatively quickly. However, the patient must avoid contact with other people so as not to infect them. Life expectancy is usually not reduced by gastrointestinal flu.

When should you go to the doctor?

In case of irregularities of the gastrointestinal tract, a visit to the doctor should always be made. If there is an increase in existing symptoms within a short time, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible. The gastrointestinal flu is subject to a high risk of infection, so that caution is advised when dealing with other people. In addition, the pathogens spread within a few hours in the organism and contribute to a rapid deterioration of health. If there are noises in the area of the stomach or intestines, flatulence sets in or the affected person suffers pain, he or she requires medical treatment. If there is diarrhea, a loss of sphincter control, or cramping in the abdomen, a doctor should be consulted. A drop in the usual level of performance, faintness and an internal weakness are indications that should be followed up. If signs such as fever, sweating or increased irritability occur, the complaints should be clarified by a doctor. Consultation with a physician is necessary in the case of behavioral problems, a general loss of strength, fatigue, increased tiredness and sleep disturbances. In case of a loss of appetite, headache, pain in the limbs, nausea and vomiting, a visit to the doctor is necessary. Vomiting diarrhea, a feeling of dryness inside the body, an increased need for fluid intake or intestinal obstruction are reasons to see a doctor.

Treatment and therapy

As mentioned above, the treatment of gastrointestinal flu consists of symptomatic measures. The first thing to do is to make up for the loss of water and salt suffered. Dextrose-salt mixtures (known as rehydration solutions) are available for this purpose. If this administration does not help when the patient is ill with gastroenteritis, an infusion must be given to the patient. In addition, a slow diet can rebuild the damaged mucosa. Attention should be paid to easily digestible carbohydrates, such as those found in rusks, white bread or salt sticks. The previously recommended food break serves no purpose, as the organ in question is only shut down and given no incentive to resume its activity. Another option is the administration of a probiotic: freeze-dried, natural intestinal colonizers that reduce vomiting and influence intestinal activity. However, special attention should be paid to side effects here.

Outlook and prognosis

The outlook for gastroenteritis is good. The disease is considered harmless. There is usually no risk of death. Even patients who do not consult a doctor recover after two to six days. Medication is not necessary for this. Rest and unsweetened herbal teas are sufficient. Old people and small children are considered at risk. In their case, the loss of fluids and salts must sometimes be compensated for by an infusion. If the symptoms include an increased temperature and blood in the stool, a visit to the doctor is unavoidable.This also applies if the symptoms persist for more than three days without improvement. In this case, the body’s own defenses cannot fight the pathogens themselves. The doctor can support the healing process with appropriate medication. In this case, too, recovery is usually uncomplicated. It should be noted that people with a cleared gastrointestinal flu still carry the pathogens around with them for one to two weeks. They are excreted during bowel movements. Their quantity decreases with each excretion. However, there tends to be a risk of infection to other people who use the same sanitary facilities. The risk of transmission can be minimized by maintaining adequate hygiene.


Influenza is a serious illness, but in many cases it heals without complications. Nevertheless, consistent follow-up care is necessary to prevent a flare-up of the disease or superinfection with bacteria. Follow-up care is initiated and, if necessary, monitored by the attending physician, usually the family doctor. Especially patients with serious or chronic concomitant diseases, pregnant women, people with weak immune systems, seniors and young children should follow the aftercare instructions of their physician. Then complete recovery from gastroenteritis without recurrence can be realized to a great extent. The healthy lifestyle and sparing are the two factors on which the aftercare is based. First and foremost, this includes not putting too much strain on the body too soon. Sport should only be practiced after consultation with the doctor in order not to expose the cardiovascular system to great strain too early. The immune system also needs time to recover in the long term. Drinking enough fluids helps to stabilize the circulation and compensate for fluid loss through sweating in the case of fever. A healthy diet additionally stabilizes the immune system of the body, which is often severely weakened by a stomach flu. Cold influences should be avoided during the period of follow-up care. Cold feet are just as unfavorable in this context as drafts. Sufficient sleep also helps the body to regenerate.

What you can do yourself

In the case of gastrointestinal flu, especially in conjunction with fever, it is necessary for the sick person not to leave the house and, if possible, to stay in bed. Firstly, the danger of infecting others is then banished and secondly, the disease can be cured most quickly in this way. A hot water bottle placed on the stomach has a soothing effect and calms the stomach and intestines. A mild over-the-counter pain reliever will help the person feel better more quickly. If the affected person still feels very dull and the fever does not want to go down, cold calf wraps can be helpful. For this purpose, wet towels are placed around the calves and replaced regularly. The cold quickly lowers the body temperature. Light foods such as clear broth and rusks do not put too much strain on the gastrointestinal tract, so that this area can recover quickly and the patient’s health will soon be restored. That he drinks a lot to regulate the fluid balance is absolutely important. Here it is best to choose herbal teas of chamomile or peppermint, as well as mineral water or apple juice spritzer. If the symptoms of the gastrointestinal flu have not subsided after a week, it would be advisable for the sufferer to consult the doctor to rule out other causes and possibly have special medication prescribed.