Genfood: Genetic Engineering Helpers

Small helpers, so-called microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts or fungi, are involved in many food technology processes. They are involved, for example, in beer brewing, yogurt production and cheese ripening. Since they are needed on a large scale nowadays, many of these microorganisms come from the genetic workshop. They are modified using genetic engineering processes so that they produce certain substances at low cost. These are then used as additives and adjuvants in the food industry.

Rennet for cheese production

Rennet ferment is needed to make cheese. Rennet is found in the calf’s stomach and contains the enzyme chymosin, which causes milk protein to coagulate. The addition of the rennet ferment initiates the thickening of the milk. In addition to animal rennet from calves’ stomachs, the enzyme can now also be obtained with the help of genetically modified microorganisms.

There are no special regulations for the approval and labeling of these genetically engineered helpers. From a purely legal point of view, they are considered technical auxiliaries, and do not have to be included in the list of ingredients. The current state of knowledge shows that no residues of the genetically modified microorganisms are present in the manufactured foods, since there are several processing stages between the production of the substances and the finished foods.

Genetically modified animal feed

The production of meat, milk and eggs in Europe has reached a dimension that makes the import of larger quantities of feed inevitable. Soybeans in particular are imported from North and South America. Feedstuffs therefore usually contain proportions of genetically modified soybeans. However, it can be assumed that the food produced in each case does not differ from purely conventional production. For example, several studies have shown that genetically modified feed is not detectable in milk.

So far, genetic engineering has only found its way into our supermarkets indirectly. In Europe, there is still a great deal of reticence about this technology. However, global developments show that genetic engineering will continue to spread in many areas.