Genital warts


Genital warts are also called genital warts or codylomas. The technical term for these benign skin growths in the genital and anal area is Condylomata acuminata. Along with genital herpes and chlamydia, genital warts are one of the most common venereal diseases and are caused by human papilloma viruses (HPV). However, the presence of viruses in the body does not necessarily lead to the appearance of warts. The main transmission mechanism is through unprotected sexual intercourse.


The causes for the occurrence of genital warts are human papilloma viruses (HPV). These can be transmitted mainly through unprotected sexual intercourse. This occurs via tiny injuries in the genital or anal area, through which the viruses can penetrate the skin and settle there.

There are many different types of HPV, of which HPV 6 and 11 usually cause genital warts. In rare cases, types 16 or 18 lead to genital warts. These are associated with an increased risk of cervical cancer. A weakened immune system favors the development of genital warts when infected with human papilloma viruses. Therefore, they are more common in people who are HIV-infected or who take medication that suppresses the immune system (immunosuppressants).


Genital warts are benign skin growths in the genital and anal area, which are about the size of a pinhead. They present themselves as reddish, brownish or gray-white nodules and are usually close together. Not every infection with human papilloma viruses leads to the appearance of genital warts.

It is also possible that the symptoms only appear weeks or months after infection. In women, genital warts occur mainly on the labia, at the entrance to the vagina and in the cervix. In men, the glans, foreskin or scrotum can be affected.

As a rule, genital warts are not accompanied by pain. However, they can cause itching or burning in the affected region. If the genital warts are very large, the skin can tear and bleed in these areas. Under certain circumstances, pain may occur during sexual intercourse. Due to the appearance of genital warts, many people affected suffer from psychological problems, such as feelings of inferiority.