Genophobia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Genophobia – also known as pareunophobia or erotophobia – refers to a pathologically exaggerated fear of sexuality and also the fear of eroticism, respectively. Genophobia is one of the specific phobias. The symptoms and complaints can vary, depending on the severity of the genophobia; preventive measures are usually not possible.

What is genophobia?

Genophobia refers to a sexual anxiety that broadly describes a fear of intimacy. Genophobia can vary in severity and, as the condition progresses, can become so intense that affected individuals reject complete physical closeness. Affected persons suffer from a fear of erotic fantasies, erotic depictions in films or series, and are sometimes also afraid of erotic thoughts. The genophobia can be mild at the beginning, but cause increasingly stronger and more intense complaints. Problematic is the fact if the genophobia is not known or treated, so that – due to the course of the disease – the complaints can become more and more intense.


The causes of genophobia are not yet fully understood. However, medical experts believe that sometimes previous sexual assault or even sexual abuse can trigger genophobia. In many cases, affected persons have experienced sexual experiences not in connection with their own will or pleasure, but rather through manipulation and violence. The majority of all affected persons therefore suffer from genophobia – due to negative experiences in their childhood or adolescent years; there are no physical reasons for this. Sometimes, however, there may also be a medical cause. Men who repeatedly struggle with their potency may very well develop a fear of sexual contact. Above all, there is a fear of “failing” again. It sometimes becomes problematic when several diseases are intertwined. For example, the genophobia, due to the potency difficulties, can be the reason that any intimacy is avoided, whereas the potency weakness was triggered due to other diseases. Thus, there is also a possibility that genophobia is also a concomitant disease of other underlying diseases. Sometimes, erotic films or printed works in childhood may also have caused the affected person to suffer from genophobia, as he or she suffered a shock from the depictions of sexuality.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

Symptoms and complaints vary. For example, heart palpitations and panic attacks may occur, shortness of breath may set in, or anxiety such as fear may sometimes occur. Severe trembling is also possible. Basically, a violent panic attack develops, which ensures that intimate intercourse can only be carried out with great difficulty or not at all. The symptoms can vary in severity. While sufferers can still control their fears at the beginning, as the disease progresses, the problem arises that the fears control the sufferer.

Diagnosis and course

If complaints such as shortness of breath, increased heartbeat or even panic attacks occur in connection with sexual intercourse, erotic thoughts or even watching erotic films or images, the medical professional has in the end quickly confirmed that it is a genophobia. Sometimes the life history – with references to sexual abuse – can also secure the diagnosis. Medical or physical complaints usually occur rarely or not at all, so that physical examinations are not necessary. However, if it is a case of genophobia that has occurred in combination with potency disorders, the physician must very well investigate the reason for the potency difficulties here. It should be taken into account that the course of a genophobia should not be underestimated. In the end, the sexual abstinence can become so strong that there is no desire or no sexual activity at all. The genophobia can be so strong that the man no longer gets an erection or the woman suffers from constant vaginal cramps. The course sometimes drags on for several years, but can also be extremely fast, so that affected people are already controlled by their fear after a few months.


Genophobia predominantly causes psychological symptoms and complications.These can manifest themselves in different ways. Most often, the patient experiences panic attacks or feelings of anxiety when coming into contact with eroticism or erotic situations. There is also severe trembling and sweating. The heart rate is usually increased and gasping breathing occurs. The quality of life is made extremely difficult by genophobia and for those affected, sexual acts and activities are impossible to perform. It is not uncommon for depression and other psychological complaints to occur. There are inferiority complexes and a lowered self-esteem. However, there are no physical complaints or complications. The treatment itself is performed by a psychologist and does not lead to further complications. However, it may take a longer period of time and may not be successful in every case. Medications are not usually used. Various therapies are also available to the patient, which deal with sexual issues and can solve the genophobia. This does not limit life expectancy.

When should one go to the doctor?

A visit to the doctor is necessary when the first signs of anxiety disorder appear. If there is shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat or sweating, a doctor is needed. If the symptoms increase in intensity or occur within shorter time intervals, a doctor should be consulted. If the affected person suffers a panic attack, he needs help and support. Inner restlessness, obsessive thinking or spasmodic changes in lifestyle are considered unusual and should be treated. If avoidance behavior, trembling of the body, cold extremities or aggressive behavior occurs, a physician should be consulted. If the symptoms are triggered by thoughts of sex, eroticism or physical closeness, a therapist should be consulted. If there is a decline in general well-being, a severe experience of stress, or emotional distress, a physician should be contacted. If there is social withdrawal, isolation or fear of meeting new contacts, it is advisable to see a doctor. If daily obligations can no longer be fulfilled or concentration problems set in, a visit to the doctor is necessary. In case of sleep disturbances, increased blood pressure, headaches as well as disturbances of the digestive process, a doctor should be consulted. If feelings such as disgust, shame or low self-esteem develop, the affected person needs a therapist to improve the quality of life.

Treatment and therapy

There are, as with any other phobia, numerous methods and ways in which genophobia can be treated. There is mainly the combination of therapy and medication. It is advisable to consult a psychiatrist, therapist or even psychologist in the context of genophobia; sometimes guidebooks can also be purchased, which may very well contain tips, tricks and experience reports. Many medications that can be used in the context of a phobia should be prescribed by a doctor. It is important that the dosage is not changed independently. As part of further treatment, it is important to also seek therapy from a psychiatrist or psychologist. For your own therapy it is advisable to talk to your partner as well. The latter will realize relatively quickly, based on the behavior of the affected person, that there is indeed a problem, but will look for the blame with himself and not with the affected person.

Outlook and prognosis

Because genophobia is often due to experiences in early childhood, it requires psychotherapy and is not treated after a few sessions. The diagnostic phase is followed by a treatment plan consisting of several sessions of psychotherapy. Furthermore, it must be clarified whether the genophobia is brought on by physical pain – if so, these physical problems must also be eliminated. Often, however, even in these cases, the psychological fear has already become so entrenched that it will not disappear on its own without therapeutic support. However, the sooner the patient seeks treatment, the easier it is to resolve the genophobia – which is why it is only good for the prospect of a speedy cure to seek help promptly. Ultimately, the prognosis for genophobia also depends on the relationship with the sexual partner, if there is one at present.If something is wrong in the couple relationship, this can make an already existing genophobia even stronger. A trusting and understanding relationship with each other, on the other hand, supports the healing process and creates an environment in which work can be done to overcome the genophobia without external pressure. On the other hand, the condition can worsen if pressure is built up on the part of the partner to achieve normal sexuality as soon as possible.


Genophobia cannot be decisively prevented. However, the course of the disease, if already first symptoms suggest it or sometimes violent assaults were experienced, which can trigger a genophobia, can be stopped respectively positively favored. A positive course of the disease or phobia is only possible if a timely therapy is started.


In the case of genophobia, the possibilities of aftercare are very limited. The condition must first be properly treated by a physician, and a complete cure cannot always be guaranteed. As a rule, genophobia cannot be prevented either, so the affected person is always dependent on immediate and direct treatment by a doctor to prevent further complications. The treatment of genophobia is mostly done with the help of a psychologist or psychiatrist. Early diagnosis can have a very positive effect on the further course of this complaint. As a rule, the affected person should recognize the symptoms of genophobia himself and also consult a doctor. To avoid further psychological upsets or even depression, the support of friends and family is very important. In many cases, understanding the condition is also necessary to support those affected. If genophobia is treated with the help of medication, care must be taken to ensure that the medication is taken regularly. The life expectancy of the patient is not reduced by this disease.

This is what you can do yourself

The affected person can hardly treat the genophobia himself or herself, so a professional should be consulted for both diagnosis and therapy. Which form of therapy the specialist considers appropriate can only be determined after a detailed investigation of the causes. Since genophobia can have many different causes, its development is often difficult to detect. The person affected should first and foremost be patient with himself or herself and trust his or her doctor. In many cases, genophobia can be overcome. In everyday life, sufferers can consciously create islands and set goals that contribute to their relaxation. Too much mental concentration on the subject or even almost exclusive mental preoccupation with it is more likely to lead to more tension than to relaxation. If the affected person lives in a relationship, he should have the courage to confide in his partner. It often helps to include the partner in discussions with the doctor. Dealing with the subject in as relaxed a manner as possible is very helpful. Clear boundaries are important and allowed. Although genophobia is a predominantly mental problem, many patients still react with psychosomatic physical complaints. A program of light physical activity and exercise can have a very positive effect.