Glycerol Alcohol 80%


Glycerol alcohol 80% is prepared in pharmacies and drugstores as an in-house production. The legal basis must be observed (Biocidal Products Ordinance Art. 3.1).


Ingredients according to DMS:

Total: 100 g (about 116 ml) The three ingredients are weighed on the balance in a conical flask or graduated cylinder and mixed well. Glycerine alcohol can be bottled in glass or plastic bottles. A complete manufacturing specification can be found in the DMS (Dermatological Magistral Formulations of Switzerland). The explanation of alcohol dilution can be found in our article on dilutions (last section). The WHO has also published a manufacturing prescription for self-manufacture of glycerol alcohol. It additionally contains hydrogen peroxide.


Ethanol has disinfecting (antiseptic, germ-reducing) properties against bacteria, viruses, and fungi. At the 80% concentration, it is also effective against coronaviruses such as SARS-CoV, according to a study by Rabenau et al (2005). The SARS virus is closely related to SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of the viral disease Covid-19. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recommends ethanol for hand disinfection to prevent Covid-19 when hand washing with soap and water is not possible. The glycerol has skin-conditioning properties and prolongs the time ethanol remains on the skin.

Fields of application

For hygienic hand disinfection. For the prevention of infectious diseases.


Rub on hands for at least 30 seconds and allow to air dry. Hands should remain moist during administration.


  • Hypersensitivity
  • Application to injured skin, open wounds.
  • Application in the immediate vicinity of the eyes

Apply externally only.

Adverse effects

Glyceryl alcohol burns on skin lesions and wounds and may dry and irritate the skin. It can cause eczema. Therefore, hand cream should be used regularly. Glyceryl alcohol can cause severe eye irritation if accidental contact occurs. Glyceryl alcohol and its vapors are flammable and must not come into contact with ignition sources and open flames. Do not smoke.