Goals of the fitness training | Fitness

Goals of the fitness training

The following goals can be achieved with targeted fitness training:

  • Optimization of the cardiovascular system through targeted endurance training
  • Training of the musculature
  • Maintaining mobility through targeted stretching
  • Maintain dexterity through coordination training
  • Compensate for nervous stress with targeted relaxation techniques.

Fitness and strength training

Due to the increasing mechanization of our society, the most frequent causes of civilization diseases are caused by lack of exercise. This has a negative effect on the cardiovascular system and the mobility of our locomotor system. Back pain and osteoporosis diseases are among the most common orthopedic diseases nowadays.

Since muscle strength decreases steadily from the age of 30 onwards, targeted training of the muscle groups should not only be carried out in the sense of body shaping. In addition, the strength ability is a basis for almost all kinds of sports. Therefore, a good training of the trunk muscles, back muscles and abdominal muscles is a prerequisite for the sport of tennis.

Muscular imbalances can occur if compensatory strength training is not used in competitive sports. A typical example is back pain caused by the serve in tennis. Beginners in strength training often fail because of the technical language.

This is often due to the fact that the terminology of strength training is often used incorrectly, and not only by laymen. Here are the definitions: The terms sentence and series are used synonymously. A sentence thus corresponds to a series.

The repetition indicates the number of exercise repetitions within a sentence or series. 12 repetitions means that the athlete performs the movement 12 times. Note: However, the concept of set training is a different one: In set training, one set/series is performed on different machines one after the other.

Example.A series of bench press, a series of leg press, a series of lat pull and a series of butterfly. One series/set is performed per unit. This is called set training and is performed several times in a row.

In station training, all sets/series are performed on one machine one after the other. In the literature the term block series training is also used. Circuit training A circuit training consists mainly of 6 to 18 different exercises, where only one set/series is performed at a time, and then after a certain time the user switches to the next exercise station.

The stations should be selected in such a way that different muscle groups are always alternately loaded. The goals of circuit training are, in addition to maintaining and improving strength (endurance), speed (endurance) and stamina, the improvement of mobility with exercise forms through stretching. The term circuit training is linguistically questionable and is therefore not used in training.

The positive effects of regular strength training in the area of fitness can be divided into: Preventive goals: Rehabilitative goals: psychological effects: aesthetic effects:

  • Reduction of the risk of injury and wear and tear in sports and everyday life.
  • Stabilization of the passive locomotor system
  • Prevention of back pain
  • Prevention of muscular imbalances in sports
  • Improvement of the resilience of the musculoskeletal system
  • Acceleration of rehabilitation after injuries
  • Accelerated muscle build-up after injuries
  • Performance improvement:
  • The general strength performance is improved by specific strength training.
  • Improved self-confidence
  • Increase of the well-being
  • Body shaping through muscle growth
  • Fat burning through strength training

The development of strength skills is fundamental to the field of fitness. Strength can be understood in a biological sense as muscle work, and in a physical sense as the product of mass and acceleration. The basis for the manifestations of explosive strength, reactive strength and strength endurance is maximum strength.

It can be further subdivided into dynamic-concentric (overcoming), static and dynamic-eccentric (yielding) maximum force. Strength training methods in the field of fitness are understood as non (highly) performance-oriented methods. Sports scientists distinguish these methods of strength training into 1. methods of complex strength development and 2. methods of differentiated strength development.

1. the method of complex strength development is used for general strength training or muscle building for beginners and weaker athletes with the aim of improving general performance or creating a foundation for further strength abilities. This method is used in school sports, health promotion and sports games. Principles for a training of the complex strength abilities: 2. the method of differentiated strength development builds on the training of the complex methods and is divided into the following areas:

  • 8- 12 repetitions per set
  • Exercises on fixed equipment, no free weight training
  • Variable exercise selection
  • Using the method of circle training
  • Breaks between the exercises approx. 2 minutes
  • Method of maximum force
  • Method of strength endurance
  • Method of fast power
  • Reactive force method

Method of repeated exhaustive force applications Intensity: 80-90% Repetitions: 6-8 Number of sets: 4-5 Breaks: 3 min. Number of exercises: 10 Execution speed: slow to fast Training effect: muscle building/intramuscular coordination