Graves’ Disease: Diagnostic Tests

Obligatory medical device diagnostics.

  • Thyroid ultrasonography (ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland) – as a basic examination to determine thyroid size and volume and any structural changes such as nodules[M. Graves’ disease: goiter with diffuse echo-poor, signs of infiltration are seen as homogeneous internal structures; in the Duplexsonographe shows increased vascularization / vascular proliferation or blood flow]

Optional medical device diagnostics – depending on the results of the history, physical examination, laboratory diagnostics and obligatory medical device diagnostics – for differential diagnostic clarification.

  • Thyroid scintigraphy (required only in subsequent exceptional cases) – to estimate the activity of the thyroid gland (eg, in nodular changes, suspected thyroid carcinoma, suspected hyperthyroidism (hyperthyroidism) with autonomic areas, etc.).
  • Fine needle biopsy in the presence of suspicious nodules.
  • Ophthalmologic examination with perimetry (visual field measurement).
  • If necessary, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI; computer-assisted cross-sectional imaging method (using magnetic fields, that is, without X-rays) of the orbit (bony eye socket).