Groin Swelling: Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Skin and subcutaneous (L00-L99).

  • Epidermal cyst – fluid-filled cavity in the skin area.
  • Lipoma (fat tumor)
  • Folliculitis – inflammation of the upper (outer) part of a hair follicle.

Cardiovascular system (I00-I99)

  • Aneurysm (arterial outpouching) of the femoral artery (femoral artery).
  • Saphenous varicosity – varix nodule (varicose vein) of the great saphenous vein (great rose vein); a great saphenous varicosity may appear as a small hernia (risk of confusion! ); Examination to confirm a saphenous vein: palpable (palpable) buzzing in the Valsalva test (forced expiration (exhalation) against the closed mouth and nostril with simultaneous use of the abdominal press); if necessary, also detection by Doppler sonography (ultrasound procedure, which can assess in particular the blood flow in the vessels).

Mouth, esophagus (esophagus), stomach, and intestines (K00-K67; K90-K93).

  • Appendicitis (appendicitis), when the appendix is deeply seated.
  • De-Garengeot hernia – femoral hernia (thigh hernia) with the appendix vermiformis (appendix / appendix) as the hernial contents; incidence (frequency of new cases) 0.8-1% and simultaneous presence of acute appendicitis 0.08-0.5%.
  • Inguinal hernia (inguinal hernia; inguinal hernia; inguinal hernia).
  • Hernia femoralis (femoral hernia; femoral hernia; thigh hernia).

Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (M00-M99).

  • Hip joint ganglion (hip joint ganglion).
  • Psoas abscess – abscess (collection of pus) in the iliopsoas muscle area (pulls from the thoracic/lumbar vertebrae to the ilium/thigh bone)

Neoplasms – tumor diseases (C00-D48).

  • Lipoma (fatty tumor)
  • Lymph node metastasis – settlement of malignant cancer cells in a lymph node.
  • Lymphoma – malignant neoplasm originating from the lymphatic system.
  • Metastasis (daughter tumor) of a malignant tumor.
  • Neurofibroma – benign neoplasm of cells of the nervous system.
  • Tumor in the area of the pelvis or groin.

Symptoms and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings not elsewhere classified (R00-R99).

  • Lymph node enlargement, unspecified.

Genitourinary system (kidneys, urinary tract – reproductive organs) (N00-N99).

  • Ectopic testis – location of the testicles outside the scrotum.
  • Hydrocele funiculi spermatici – hydrocele (water hernia) of the spermatic cord.
  • Inguinal testis (Retentio testis inguinalis).
  • Pendulum testis (Retractile testis) – these are normally developed testes, but can temporarily pull up into the groin.

Other causes

  • Abscess (encapsulated collection of pus) in the groin area, unspecified.