Hailstones due to an inflammation

The hailstone (chalazion) is an inflammation of the Meibom gland located in the eyelid. This inflammation is not infectious and therefore not caused by bacteria or other pathogens. Usually a hailstone is caused by a blockage in the excretory duct of the meibomian gland and manifests itself as a more or less painful inflammation of the eyelid. A hailstone can develop within one or a few days.


The meibomian glands, which lie tube-like in the eyelids, are responsible for the production of sebum, which is necessary for the formation of the tear film. If the excretory duct is blocked, a hailstone can form. If the inflammation of the meibomian gland spreads and expands around the excretory duct, even the entire eyelid may be swollen and reddened.

If the congested sebum secretion does not flow out of the Meibom gland into the conjunctival sac on its own, the focus of inflammation is encapsulated by the body’s own defense cells. This results in the easily palpable and hardly movable lump on the eyelid. A hailstone (chalazion) either recedes of its own accord or persists, which often represents an aesthetic limitation for those affected and can be surgically removed at the patient’s request.

It should be noted that the operation may cause a malpositioning of the eyelid or even deformation of the cornea, which can lead to a deterioration of vision. In contrast to the barley grain, the hailstone usually occurs in adulthood. If one suffers repeatedly from hailstones, a possible diabetes mellitus should be clarified by the family doctor, which is connected with the occurrence of hailstones. Both hailstones and barley grains are benign inflammatory nodules and are not malignant neoplasms on the eyelid.