Hair loss due to iodine deficiency | Iodine deficiency

Hair loss due to iodine deficiency

The thyroid hormones T3 and T4 are important for many different metabolic processes in the body. Among other things, they control the metabolism of the connective tissue, including hair.An underfunction of the thyroid gland due to iodine deficiency can lead to dry and brittle hair and increased hair loss. The hair appears dull and dull, the hair density and/or the hair diameter can decrease. In addition to the hair on the head, eyebrows or other body hair may also be affected.


Iodine deficiency is treated by taking iodine. Adults with iodine deficiency should take 150 to 200 micrograms of iodine daily, children only 100 micrograms. Taking iodine can reduce the enlargement of the thyroid gland caused by iodine deficiency by 10% because iodine slows down the division rate of thyroid cells.

Patients whose iodine-deficient goiter has already developed autonomous areas should not take iodine because this can lead to uncontrolled hyperthyroidism. If a patient suffers not only from iodine deficiency but also from hypothyroidism caused by the deficiency, the intake of iodine should be combined with the intake of thyroid hormones (e.g. L-thyroxine). This can reduce the size of the thyroid gland by 20%.

Pregnant and nursing mothers should also take 150 to 200 micrograms of iodine daily to prevent iodine deficiency in both mother and child. One measure to improve the iodine supply of a population is the iodination of table salt, baked goods and canned food.