Hallux Valgus: Therapy

General measures

  • Wearing soft shoes; toe box; possibly roll-off aid.

Medical aids

  • Night splints (to rein in the big toe medially/to the center of the body) may be prescribed if the skeleton is not yet fully grown
  • Toe funnels and pads can be used for pain in the small toes
  • For metatarsalgia (pain in the area of one or more metatarsal heads on the sole of the foot), orthotics can be fitted. These must have a palotte that pushes up the metatarsalia/midfoot bones proximal to the pressure-sensitive heads. The insole may relieve discomfort under the forefoot (it does not permanently improve the position of the big toe).

The malposition of the big toe can not be treated conservatively, but an improvement can be achieved in early forms (see under physiotherapy).

Physical therapy (including physiotherapy)