Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMK):

Classic hand-foot-and-mouth disease

Main symptoms

  • Prodromal phase (precursor phase of the disease): fever (less than 5% of cases: > 38 °C), low appetite and sore throat.
  • 1-2 days after onset of fever: painful enanthema (rash around mucous membranes) in the oral mucosa:
    • Pinhead-sized erythema that transform into vesicles and rarely form ulcers (ulcers=/painful aphthae/painful damage to the oral mucosa).
    • Localization: tongue, gums and oral mucosa.
  • Within 1-2 days: non-itchy exanthema (rash):
    • With flat or raised red spots, sometimes blistering.
    • Localization: palms and soles; possibly also buttocks, genital area, knees or elbows (here possibly occurrence as itchy rash = atypical courses).
  • After about 7-14 days, there is a scarless healing of the skin lesions.

Note: More than 80% of infections are asymptomatic, ie without the appearance of symptoms, but with the formation of neutralizing type-specific antibodies.

Further notes

  • In pregnancy, most enterovirus infections are mild or asymptomatic. Severe complications are very rare.
  • Most newborns also show a mild course of disease. In very rare cases, systemic infection with fulminant (rapid and severe) courses is possible.

Atypical hand-foot-and-mouth disease (example of a case)

  • Disseminated (“spread over the body”) skin lesions (neck and trunk; dorsum of hands and feet; lower legs and forearms): Erythematous papules, multiple partly grouped, partly confluent, partly solitary vesicles (blisters) on an erythematous (“reddened”) base; ulcerations (ulcer formations), formation of bullae (fluid-filled cavities; at least 1 cm in size), and eczematized plaques (areal or squamous substance proliferation of the skin)
  • Onychomadesis (complete detachment of the nail plate from the nail bed).
  • If necessary, generalized pruritus (itching distributed over the entire body).
  • Severely reduced general condition with high fever up to 39 ° C, cephalgia and myalgia (headache and muscle pain) and marked fatigue.
  • Coxsackie virus A6 variant