Hangover (Alcohol Intoxication): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

A hangover (alcohol intoxication) is a mood disorder that mainly starts with severe malaise, headache and nausea after heavy alcohol consumption. In most cases, a hangover does not occur until the next day or a few hours after drinking alcohol. A hangover should be distinguished from alcohol poisoning.

What is a hangover (alcohol intoxication)?

A hangover, or hangover, is not a real disease, even if it is characterized by typical symptoms. You can consider a hangover more as a general malaise or condition. Nevertheless, we list the hangover at Symptomat.de for reasons of systematization as a disease. In addition to the typical malaise after a night of drinking too much alcohol (beer, wine, schnapps, mixed drinks, cocktails, etc.), mental and physical disorders can also occur. Performance is greatly reduced for at least one day in the event of a hangover. The term hangover is derived from the old word catarrh, which means inflammation of mucous membranes.


As can already be assumed, the main cause of a hangover is excessive alcohol consumption. The most typical symptom of headache is due to dehydration of the body by the alcohol. The alcohol deprives the body not only of water and fluids, but also of important minerals and electrolytes. Furthermore, the alcohol in the blood and in the cells also disturbs the body’s own proteins (denaturation), which can then cause headaches in the brain. Residual alcohol in the stomach and blood also leads to nausea and severe malaise, as the toxins put a great deal of strain or stress on the stomach and stomach lining. Lastly, the performance of the heart is also disturbed. This leads to an undersupply of the brain with oxygen (result is also again headache) and not infrequently also to heart stumbles or cardiac arrhythmias.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

Alcohol intoxication typically leads to dehydration: the body lacks fluids. This is also the case with a simple intoxication – a pathological extent does not have to be reached for this. The hangover therefore usually leads to severe thirst. Other symptoms such as dizziness, low blood pressure and circulatory collapse are also largely due to dehydration. Many people who have a hangover need to urinate more frequently. In addition, they may suffer from palpitations. In certain forms of dehydration, quantitative disorders of consciousness such as drowsiness, as well as seizures and confusion, are possible. Both dehydration and the hangover itself may result in low blood volume. Blood sugar levels may also be low, which promotes dizziness and feelings of weakness. Typical symptoms of a hangover also include headaches and low cognitive performance. This affects, for example, concentration, short-term memory and logical reasoning. After alcohol intoxication, people often feel generally unwell and ill. Many are sensitive to noise and react especially to sudden loud noises with increased headaches. Furthermore, gastrointestinal symptoms can occur during a hangover. These range from rumbling and a sinking feeling to vomiting. Less commonly, diarrhea occurs. Some lack appetite and feel nauseous when they see food. Others feel a particularly large appetite.


In most cases, hangover is not a particularly life-threatening situation and for this reason does not necessarily need to be treated by a doctor. As a rule, this occurs after excessive alcohol consumption and depends heavily on the amount of alcohol drunk. Those affected suffer from severe nausea, headaches and often have to vomit. There are also considerable disturbances of concentration, so that normal thinking and acting is usually not possible for the patient. Sufferers continue to suffer from increased thirst and tremors. In severe cases, alcohol intoxication can occur in addition to the hangover. Sufferers may sometimes lose consciousness. In this case, treatment by a doctor is necessary. Complications usually only occur when the hangover is relatively frequent and the affected person develops an alcohol dependency. Internal organs and the brain can be damaged.This damage from alcohol is usually irreversible and can also significantly reduce life expectancy. There is no need for specific treatment of hangover. The symptoms can be limited with plenty of fluids and food. The affected person must thereby abstain from alcohol, of course.

When should one go to the doctor?

If various health complaints develop after excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, there is usually no need to see a doctor. Signs such as nausea, vomiting, tremors, loss of appetite, headaches or disturbances in concentration, perception as well as attention are consequences of alcohol that will resolve themselves without medical attention. Rest, relaxation, sleep and a sufficient intake of water or other non-alcoholic beverages help to achieve relief from the symptoms. After a few hours of relaxation as well as a restful night’s sleep, the symptoms and the health discomfort gradually disappear. Due to the self-healing powers of the organism and the natural decomposition of harmful substances, the discomfort leads to complete freedom from symptoms within a short period of time. Overexertion is to be avoided during this time and the supply of oxygen is advisable as a support. If the symptoms persist for more than 48 hours, a doctor should be consulted. There are other conditions that need to be assessed and treated by a doctor. If the hangover discomfort is found to be unbearable or if instead of a decrease in symptoms there is an increase in discomfort in the following hours, a doctor should be consulted. Serious health developments appear to be present that go beyond ordinary alcohol intoxication and require medical attention.

Treatment and therapy

A normal hangover does not need to be treated by a doctor, but will pass on its own after about a day if no further alcohol consumption takes place. For some affected, however, the hangover or its symptoms, such as headache, lasts up to three days. Although there are some home remedies for self-treatment against a hangover, their actual healing effects have not been scientifically proven. These include, for example, a hangover breakfast with salted herring, pickled cucumbers and the like. Only the compensation of the mineral loss, such as salt, can show an effect here. However, it is much more important that the person concerned drinks plenty of mineral water or lemon balm tea, cools the head and eats only light food. For the latter, fresh fruit with honey has proven beneficial, as it can accelerate the breakdown of alcohol. Furthermore, one should go out into the fresh air or do light outdoor activities (walking, light gardening). Against headache and nausea help the known drugs with the ingredients acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol and ibuprofen. However, the pharmacist or doctor should be consulted for side effects before taking them.

Outlook and prognosis

To effectively self-soothe one’s hangover, one must know that alcohol causes dehydration, disruption of protein metabolism, and flushing out of minerals and electrolytes. Knowing this also explains why plenty of fluids is the easiest remedy to relieve the worst symptoms. A glass of water with baking soda helps the electrolyte balance and neutralizes existing residual alcohol. In addition a typical Katerfrühstück with fat-containing sausage or fish help the protein metabolism on the jumps and a breakfast egg combined to it supports owing to contained amino acids the body with the Entgiften after consumption of alcohol. Instead of taking a headache pill, we recommend drinking a strong coffee with a dash of lemon juice. The taste may take some getting used to, but the caffeine not only gives you an energy boost, but in combination with lemon also actively combats headaches, especially since the lemon juice can also partially neutralize the effect of the alcohol. Until the chosen home remedies take effect, the headache can be relieved with a little peppermint oil on the forehead or with cool compresses and plenty of fresh air. Preventing another hangover at the next party is quite simple. Eat a fatty meal before drinking alcohol, avoid sugar and drink at least as much water or juices as you consume alcohol.


The prevention of an alcohol hangover should be obvious, namely abstaining from alcohol.This is probably the only real efficacious prevention, but drinking mineral water at the same time as drinking alcohol can also slightly reduce later symptoms such as headaches. If fatty food is eaten before alcohol consumption, this can also have a preventive effect, since the fat in the stomach binds the alcohol like a sponge and releases it only slowly. However, this can also lead to the person thinking that they are not yet sufficiently drunk, drinking more alcohol and ending up having consumed more alcohol than their body can actually cope with. Alcohol poisoning is then very likely. Other ways to prevent it is to choose alcoholic beverages. Cheap and adulterated spirits, low-quality wine and drinking many different types of alcohol can have high levels of toxic fusel alcohols. So in conclusion, everyone is advised to drink alcohol only in moderation.


Aftercare for alcohol intoxication usually begins the next morning, when the alcohol causes headaches and other discomfort. Sufferers are then helped by plenty of fluids to restart metabolism and counteract dehydration. With water containing natron, the electrolyte balance is restored. At the same time, this neutralizes the residual alcohol still present in the body. Fatty foods boost protein metabolism and accelerate detoxification, so that the condition improves. Many sufferers simply reach for a headache tablet. But it is also possible to banish the malaise without medication. A coffee with lemon juice helps twice. While the caffeine provides an energy boost, the lemon juice with vitamin C neutralizes the alcoholic effect. For headaches, sufferers can rub a little peppermint or lavender oil on their forehead. Cooling compresses and spending time in the fresh air are also very useful to get rid of the hangover. As prevention, there are also a few helpful measures. Abstaining from alcohol is first and foremost. With plenty of mineral water and other non-alcoholic drinks in addition to alcohol, the level does not rise too quickly. A fatty meal and little sugar also make the body less susceptible to the typical effects of alcohol.

This is what you can do yourself

Once a hangover has occurred the next morning after a long party, the person concerned should drink as much water as possible. In this way, the fluid turnover in the blood is favored most quickly. Since headaches often occur as an accompanying symptom, the head should be cooled with cold compresses. The pain is also relieved by drinking plenty of water. Besides, it helps to drink a glass of water with soda dissolved in it right after getting up. Taking tablets, for example with the active ingredient acetylsalicylic acid, is not advisable. These can damage the stomach, and it is not uncommon for stomach bleeding to occur. An extensive fatty breakfast with sausage or fatty fish such as salmon and herring can also help. For the rest, sweets such as honey or jam and a cup of cocoa can also provide relief. If there are problems with the stomach, the patient should take herbal tea in small sips, for example peppermint tea or chamomile tea, and later a salty broth with egg beaten in it. To avoid a hangover the next time, it is advisable to drink a glass of water after each glass of alcohol. With this trick, it is easier to control the amount and the alcohol has a much smaller chance of taking effect too quickly.