Harmless temporary skin flaking | Skin scales

Harmless temporary skin flaking

In most cases, skin flakes are harmless and only present temporarily.

  • In Germany, almost every second person suffers from dandruff at some point in their life.
  • Even simple inflammations or injuries of the skin can sometimes be accompanied by scaling in its course, if the skin has to renew a larger area at once. A classic example of this is sunburn.

Skin diseases

One sign that dandruff on the skin is a real disease is when the skin shows signs of inflammation (redness, swelling, overheating or pain) in addition to scaling, the affected areas itch or crusts form there. In such cases, a doctor should be consulted if possible to clarify the cause of the dandruff.

  • PsoriasisPsoriasis is a benign skin disease.

    In this disease psoriasis is most often found above the joints of the extensor sides, especially on the elbows. The skin scales here are usually silvery white, raised above the skin level and have a sharp border. The surrounding skin is usually reddened and itchy.

    However, the extent of the symptoms varies greatly from case to case, so that some people hardly notice the disease, while others are severely impaired in their quality of life by the very noticeable skin changes.

  • Seborrheic eczema is a skin disease characterized by the overproduction of sebum. Consequently, those areas of the skin that have a particularly large number of sebaceous glands, such as on the scalp, are particularly affected. In contrast to psoriasis and neurodermatitis, the surrounding skin is more oily than dry.
  • Fungal infestationFungal infestation can also lead to skin flakes.

    In healthy people, the immune system can normally keep fungal colonization well in check, but if the immune system is weakened, or if it is additionally stressed by an underlying disease or by additional stressful circumstances such as intensive sunlight, the fungi can spread on the skin.

  • NeurodermatitisThis is an inflammatory and allergic disease, often accompanied by scaling of the skin and usually begins in childhood. In many cases, those affected also suffer from other allergic reactions, such as itchy, watery eyes, runny nose or asthma. Neurodermatitis almost always occurs in phases, which means that the symptoms are not permanent. However, during a flare, the skin scales are typically located above the sides of the elbow, for example in the crook of the arm.
  • Ichthyosis vulgaris (fish scale disease)Fish scale disease is a hereditary skin disease with massive development of skin scales. The name comes from the fact that the skin here is often covered over a large area (usually on the extensor sides of joints) with small, closely adjacent greyish to greenish scales, so that its surface resembles the skin of a fish or reptile.
  • Rare causesSyphilis, measles, scarlet fever and various contact allergies.