Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Symptoms and Diagnosis

Almost always, the inflammation begins insidiously – nothing hurts, there are no complaints. After some time, the thyroid gland may slowly enlarge, but this is often not even noticed by the affected person. Occasionally, in the course of acute “inflammatory attacks”, thyroid hormones are suddenly released into the blood, causing symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Only later do signs of hypothyroidism gradually appear.

Symptoms of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

These symptoms characterize Hashimoto’s thyroiditis:

  • Signs of hyperthyroidism: a rapid and irregular pulse, trembling of the hands, sensitivity to heat, and a tendency to sweat are typical. The skin is warm and moist, bowel movements are frequent and soft, there is weight loss despite increased appetite, and hair loss. Muscles may ache, and women often experience menstrual irregularities. Sufferers are nervous and irritable and suffer from insomnia.
  • Signs of hypothyroidism: the lack of thyroid hormones leads to sensitivity to cold, slowed pulse and heart enlargement, decreased appetite and weight gain. Skin is cool and dry, nails brittle, hair becomes thin and shaggy, voice hoarse and rough. Affected individuals often appear slowed and lethargic or depressed, and libido is decreased. Menstrual irregularities may also occur. Often the cholesterol levels in the blood are increased.

Various antibodies and the disturbed hormone balance can lead to a reduced pregnancy rate and increased risk of miscarriage in women of childbearing age.

How is the diagnosis made?

In addition to the medical history and palpation findings of the thyroid gland, the blood test is the focus of the diagnostic process. This can detect hormone changes and determine the specific antibodies against thyroid tissue. However, the hormone values do not necessarily correspond to the current symptoms, and the antibodies are not always present or are present in varying numbers. Ultrasonography can be used to determine the size and structure of the thyroid gland.