Hazards of low blood pressure | When the blood pressure is too low!

Hazards of low blood pressure

If the blood pressure does not drop too much, you can live well with a lowered blood pressure. In the long run, the body gets used to the condition, so that many people affected often do not notice that their blood pressure is too low. Unlike high blood pressure, low blood pressure does not cause permanent damage and is not a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack.

Since low blood pressure does not put any stress on the vessel walls, the risk of a heart attack or stroke is lower in people with low blood pressure. This tends to result in a higher life expectancy for people with low blood pressure. There is only a risk if the low blood pressure often leads to fainting fits. Low blood pressure can also be dangerous during pregnancy.


As with high blood pressure, low blood pressure usually does not need to be treated with medication. Simple rules of conduct are sufficient to counteract this. Patients with low blood pressure should make sure that they drink enough.

If little fluid is supplied from the outside, the result is a low blood volume and the ratio of blood volume to blood vessel diameter is incorrect. The blood pressure is correspondingly lower. This can be effectively counteracted by drinking a sufficient amount of at least two liters per day.

Likewise, drinking coffee can also increase blood pressure, as coffee has a circulation-activating effect. Exercise also helps to stimulate the circulation and increase blood pressure. Some people also use alternating showers, i.e. alternating hot and cold water, which also activates the circulatory system.

If you suffer from dizziness after getting up from a lying position, it helps to slow down this process and to give the body more time to raise the blood pressure. For example, you can sit down for one or two minutes after lying down. If a collapse occurs due to low blood pressure, the patient should lie on his or her back and place the legs about 30 cm high.

If there was a brief loss of consciousness, one should remain lying down for a while after regaining consciousness. If the blood pressure is permanently so low that medication must be used, medication that stimulates the sympathetic nervous system should be taken. There are various drug options for treating a blood pressure value that is too low.Prescription drugs that can increase blood pressure in patients with hypotension include Hawthorn preparations are available without prescription as monotherapy or in combination with vitamin E and magnesium as well as camphor.

  • Dihydroergotamine: It is primarily used in the treatment of migraines. The aim is to constrict the cerebral vessels, since vasodilatation is one of the causes of a migraine attack.
  • Midodrine: Generally stabilizes the circulation in cases of existing hypotension.
  • Combination preparation of Etilefrin and dihydroergotamine (e.g. Effortil): Effortil can be taken in the form of tablets or as a solution. Effortil is used for circulatory disorders with low blood pressure, which are accompanied by typical symptoms such as paleness, dizziness, sweating, flickering or blackening of the eyes.

    In drop form, adults and children older than six years take 20 to 30 drops up to three times a day. Effortil should be taken mainly in combination with an ample fluid intake before meals.

  • Combination preparation Akrinor: Akrinor is administered by injection. Akrinor is one of the emergency drugs, which is a combination of theodrenalin and cafedrin.

    It is increasingly used in emergency medicine and anesthesia. After intravenous or intramuscular administration, it has an increasing effect on heart muscle contractility, heart beat volume and peripheral vascular resistance. Thus an effective increase in blood pressure is achieved.

  • Phenylephrine: It is used for slightly different indications.

    It is used as a direct sympathomimetic, especially for local swelling of the mucous membranes (e.g. for colds). The advantage of phenylephrine is, among other things, that it can be taken in several ways (intravenously, intramuscularly, orally and as drops). Phenylephrine should not be taken in cases of hypertension and ventricular tachycardia.

There are different ways to use home remedies for low blood pressure.

For example, beetroot juice is one of the most effective options. Here already 2 glasses in the temporal framework of one week are to exhibit a blood pressure-increasing effect. Also lemon water, green tea or liquorice root (liquorice) belong to the household remedies which can raise blood pressure.

Green tea, for example, contains certain active substances that stimulate the central nervous system and ensure greater concentration. These include caffeine, theophylline and theobromine. Endurance sports during physical activity can also increase blood pressure.

Alternating showers with alternating temperatures can also increase blood pressure. This is due to a sensitization of the regulation of the vascular width, which is reduced in cold and expanded in warmth. Homeopathic preparations can be used to treat hypotension.

An example is Pulsatilla pratensis (meadow pasque flower). It was already used in ancient times by Hippocrates as a remedy for anxiety and menstrual disorders. Other substances used are Veratrum album, Acisum phosphoricum and Coffea.