Headaches in the child caused by sunstroke | Headaches in the child

Headaches in the child caused by sunstroke

The typical symptoms of sunstroke are headaches, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, increased heart rate, restlessness or even loss of consciousness. In contrast to heat stroke, the body temperature is normal in sunstroke. Sunstroke is defined as an irritation of the cerebral membranes by prolonged exposure to the sun on the head and neck. Children or older people are usually affected by sunstroke.


The diagnosis of headache always begins with a detailed inquiry of the patient’s medical history (anamnesis). This is usually followed by a neurological and physical examination to get to the bottom of the cause of the headache. In most cases, the patient’s medical history and the description of the headache can help to determine the cause of the headache. Since the medical history of infants and babies is limited to the foreign anamnesis by the parents, certain behaviour, such as avoiding noise and light, touching the head or tousled hair, must be taken into account. If the cause cannot be identified despite an exact anamnesis, further diagnostic measures such as an EEG or an MRI are available.

Headaches on the forehead

Moderately severe, dull pressing headaches on the forehead or pain extending over the entire head are the typical characteristics of tension headaches. It is recommended to examine the mobility of the cervical spine and possible pressure pain of the adjacent muscles. Possible triggers for this type of headache can be muscular tension, stress, medication, a sugar-rich diet, teeth grinding, lack of sleep, an irregular daily rhythm or changes in climate.

It is worthwhile to make a pain diary with possible trigger factors and bring it to the doctor for clarification. Also concerning the forehead are headaches caused by medication. Particularly after taking painkillers for several days, headaches often occur after the end of pain relief. Sinusitis is also a differential diagnosis worth mentioning for frontal headaches in children.Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and is usually accompanied by rhinitis. In this condition, pain can also spread to the area around the nose and is most intense when the person bends forward.