Healing of an abscess – You should pay attention to this!


The healing of an abscess requires different medical and/or surgical measures, depending on its localization and severity. The duration and success of the healing process depends on the body part and the regularity of the affected person. This means that a faster and better healing can take place if the person concerned adheres to certain rules of conduct. The healing process of all abscesses usually requires patience and adherence to hygiene measures.

How long does it take to heal an abscess?

The healing time of an abscess depends on the size, localization, treatment, immune system and compliance of the person affected, as well as other individual factors. Accordingly, the healing process takes longer with a larger abscess than with a small abscess. Large abscesses often require surgical intervention.

Afterwards the body needs more time for the wound to grow. In these cases the healing process can take several weeks. In the case of a smaller abscess, treatment with a pulling ointment is often sufficient.

The healing process can take a few days to weeks. You can find further information under: Due to the localization of the abscess it may be more difficult to treat it. Therefore, the healing process can be longer in certain parts of the body. For example, an abscess on the buttocks is usually more difficult to treat than one on the face or leg.

  • OP of an abscess
  • Treat abscess with an ointment

How to accelerate the healing process?

Each abscess takes as much time to heal as it needs. This process cannot be accelerated. But you can make sure that the abscess can heal adequately in the possible time.

Every abscess should be examined by a doctor. The healing process can be promoted if hygiene and wound healing measures are followed. For example, if an anal abscess has been removed, sitz baths can promote further healing.

In addition, conscientious hygiene is important after each visit to the toilet. Furthermore, in this case, care should be taken to ensure a diet that does not lead to constipation, as solid bowel movements could interfere with wound healing in the area. In general, the healing of an abscess can be improved by strengthening your own immune system. Through a balanced diet, a balance of activity and rest, exercise in the fresh air and through activities and thoughts that bring joy and satisfaction, the cells and factors of the body’s own defense system can be strengthened.