Healing time | Alveolitis sicca

Healing time

The healing of alveolitis sicca usually takes about 7-10 days with proper treatment, but can also take several weeks. Flushing agents that have a disinfecting effect can be used to support the healing process. The tamponade must be changed regularly by the dentist to prevent a renewed infection.

The wound should then grow over time. Usually the pain is already relieved after the first treatment, but this does not mean that it has healed immediately. Complete healing takes time and the instructions of the treating doctor must be followed in any case.

When extracting a tooth, a larger open wound is created, which must heal again at rest. You should refrain from smoking during this time, as the nicotine supplied can lead to wound healing disorders. The healing process may be prolonged or the wound may become inflamed.

Nicotine causes a deterioration of the blood circulation. If you have been smoking for a longer period of time, the risk of developing alveolitis sicca is increased, as there is generally poorer blood circulation in the tissue. The healing of wounds is worsened because the gums, which previously surrounded the tooth, can die.

In addition to nicotine, there are other substances in a cigarette that are inhaled and thus contaminate the wound. It is particularly harmful when smoking directly after the operation or in the case of an existing alveolitis sicca. The dirty components cause inflammation, suppuration and even death of the tissue. In order to prevent alveolitis sicca, smoking should be avoided for the first few days. Once the primary wound healing is complete, it is less severe, but it is safest to wait until the wound has completely healed.


The probability of getting alveolitis sicca is between 1 and 4 percent. Once a tooth has been removed, the wound usually fills with blood, which causes a blood clot to form during the healing process. This protects the wound from bacteria, viruses and fungi until the mucous membrane has grown over the wound.

In the case of alveolitis sicca this does not happen exactly. In the course of “healing” no “blood clot” forms or an existing one disintegrates again. Excessive flushing can also remove the protective blood clot.

The hole is therefore not protected and food remains accumulate in it. In addition, the bones and nerves are exposed. This is the start of the inflammation, as bacteria can penetrate unhindered and irritate the bone and nerve.


3-4 days after the operation, the first pain appears, which can last for several weeks. From the time of the first pain symptoms it is advisable to consult a dentist. Once treatment has begun, it can take up to several weeks until the mucous membrane has completely grown over the wound.

If not treated, the inflammation will worsen. It can lead to the formation of pus or even an abscess. An abscess describes an encapsulated cavity filled with pus.