Healing time and prognosis | Fournier Gangrene

Healing time and prognosis

Despite therapy, a Fournier gangrene is associated with a mortality rate of 20-50%. Untreated such a gangrene is an absolutely lethal disease. For the prognosis it is important to start the medical therapy early.

Especially in case of changes in the genital area, patients go to the doctor much too late because they feel uncomfortable with the situation. Other prognostically important factors are whether complete surgical debridement is possible and whether the respective antibiotics are effective. A weakened immune system, for example through suppression (suppression) with cortisone, has a rather poor effect on the prognosis.

Furthermore, the presence of a systemic co-reaction and the presence of risk factors play an important role. These are also particularly decisive for the successful growth of a skin graft. If a Fournier gangrene is successful, the healing time depends on the necessity of skin coverage, which means a new intervention at intervals. Thus, it is possible that a Fournier Gangrene has healed after only a few weeks or still causes problems after months.