Healing time | Physiotherapy for a scaphoid fracture of the hand

Healing time

The healing time is individual depending on the patient. Radiographs are taken repeatedly during the healing process to assess the state of fracture healing. However, healing usually takes up to 3 months with conservative therapy.

During this time, the hand should be completely immobilized, or, if the physician gives the okay, it should only be loaded appropriately. If the fracture does not heal properly, pseudoarthrosis may occur. This is called pseudarthrosis if the fracture gap remains mobile after weeks of healing.

Since complete immobilization of the hand is usually difficult, pseudarthrosis is relatively common in the hand area. An operation can follow, in which the fractures are reconnected, and the healing time is then greatly prolonged. If surgery is performed, the healing time can be somewhat shorter. Here too, imaging diagnostics are performed and the doctor’s instructions should be followed as a matter of urgency. You may also be interested in the following topics

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Acceleration of healing

The healing of a scaphoid fracture is difficult to accelerate. The problem is that the extremities are less well supplied with blood and healing generally takes longer in the periphery.Optimal healing conditions should be created:

  • This means that the fracture should be kept as stable and still as possible
  • The blood circulation can be stimulated by appropriate permitted mobilization exercises, or other means such as heat or cold application
  • The lymph flow can be supported by manual lymph drainage
  • Furthermore, the patient should pay attention to a balanced diet. If necessary, minerals can be added which can support the healing process.
  • There are hardly any other means of accelerating healing. The fragments need their time to grow back together properly