What is a PONV? PONV is the abbreviation for postoperative nausea and vomiting and describes nausea and vomiting after general anesthesia. Besides postoperative pain, PONV is one of the most common complaints after surgery. Every third person suffers from it. If a person is prone to nausea, the probability of developing PONV again under further … PONV

Complications | PONV

Complications Since immediately after general anesthesia the protective reflexes, especially the swallowing and coughing reflex, have not yet fully returned, vomit can be swallowed and enter the lungs. The acidic stomach contents can damage the lung tissue, obstruct the airways and trigger pneumonia. The increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity during vomiting can cause … Complications | PONV

General anesthesia for a cold

What is general anesthesia? General anesthesia is called general anesthesia. General anesthesia is a procedure in which the patient is put into an artificial deep sleep and the consciousness and many natural reactions of the body are switched off. Independent breathing is also suppressed so that the patient has to be artificially ventilated. In addition, … General anesthesia for a cold

General anesthesia in adults during a cold | General anesthesia for a cold

General anesthesia in adults during a cold A cold typically includes coughing and rhinitis. Both affect the airways. In the case of a cold (rhinitis), the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are inflamed and swell up, resulting in a blocked nose. As a general rule, general anesthesia is best performed on a healthy patient. … General anesthesia in adults during a cold | General anesthesia for a cold

General anesthesia for children during a cold | General anesthesia for a cold

General anesthesia for children during a cold General anesthesia is more often used in children than local anesthesia, as they often do not yet understand the circumstances and become restless in the unfamiliar situation. In principle, children have the same risks of a general anaesthetic as adults. However, the risk of complications affecting the respiratory … General anesthesia for children during a cold | General anesthesia for a cold

Which factors influence the wake-up time? | Recovery time after general anaesthesia

Which factors influence the wake-up time? The wake-up time depends on many factors. These include individual factors such as the rate at which the anaesthetics are broken down in the liver and kidneys and the general physical condition. Another variable is the type of anaesthesia, as the same drugs cannot be used for every patient … Which factors influence the wake-up time? | Recovery time after general anaesthesia

Other possible side effects after general anesthesia | Side effects of general anesthesia

Other possible side effects after general anesthesia In some cases, headaches and headaches with nausea occur after anesthesia. Although headaches are typical side effects of regional anaesthesia such as spinal or epidural anaesthesia, some patients report headaches as side effects after general anaesthesia. If headaches occur after general anaesthesia, the causes are rarely to be … Other possible side effects after general anesthesia | Side effects of general anesthesia

Memory disorders | Side effects of general anesthesia

Memory disorders In the context of anesthesia, drugs are often administered specifically to cause retrograde amnesia. This means that patients should lose their memories after an often unpleasant and painful procedure. Drugs that cause this memory altering effect are for example benzodiazepines, which are administered before the operation to calm the patient. Anaesthetics such as … Memory disorders | Side effects of general anesthesia

Side effects of general anesthesia in elderly people | Side effects of general anesthesia

Side effects of general anesthesia in elderly people Older people are generally exposed to the same risks under general anesthesia as younger people. Injuries may occur when inserting the breathing tube (intubation), followed by sore throats due to slight injuries to the mucous membranes. Injury to the teeth during intubation is also possible. Furthermore, allergic … Side effects of general anesthesia in elderly people | Side effects of general anesthesia