Duration of oral thrush

Mouth rot, or stomatitis aphtosa or gingivostomatitis herpatica, is a disease of the oral mucosa that is accompanied by inflammation. It is a painful blister formation in the area of the mouth and throat, mostly in children between the ages of 1 and 3. The symptoms are triggered by the initial infection with the herpes … Duration of oral thrush

Thrush infection

Introduction Almost everyone knows herpes as a crusty change on the lip. It is a symptom of the herpes virus that recurs frequently under stress. Over 90% of the population carries the virus. Many people get infected unnoticed. However, the initial infection can also lead to the outbreak of a clinical picture, the so-called “mouth … Thrush infection

Consequences | Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans

Consequences If the bacterium Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is present in the oral flora, gingivitis or periodontitis need not necessarily occur. The bacteria accumulate in the plaque (dental plaque) on the teeth. The plaque consists not only of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, but also of many different pathogens that begin to metabolize the products available from food. If the … Consequences | Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans

Summary | Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans

Summary As complicated as its name may sound, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is an important and not to be underestimated bacterium in dentistry, which can cause major problems with teeth and gums in many people. With proper dental care and regular check-ups at the dentist, the risk of contracting the bacterium can be significantly reduced and periodontitis … Summary | Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans

Bleaching for teeth

Synonym teeth whitening, bleaching English: bleaching Definition Bleaching is the artificial lightening of the tooth surface through various technical and chemical processes. Discoloured teeth thus regain a radiant white. Causes of tooth discoloration The older a tooth gets, the longer it is exposed to external influences such as colouring food. A tooth therefore undergoes a … Bleaching for teeth

How does bleaching with hydrogen peroxide work? | Bleaching for teeth

How does bleaching with hydrogen peroxide work? Whether it is for bleaching clothes, hair or even teeth, in each of these cases hydrogen peroxide is the bleaching agent of choice. Hydrogen peroxide consists of a compound of hydrogen and oxygen. In the dental field, products with a concentration not exceeding 0.1% are freely available. These … How does bleaching with hydrogen peroxide work? | Bleaching for teeth

Risks/side effects of teeth whitening | Bleaching for teeth

Risks/side effects of teeth whitening Shortly after bleaching, unpleasant hypersensitivity of the teeth can occur, which is particularly noticeable with hot or cold food and drinks. The cause is that water is extracted from the tooth during the bleaching treatment. Only later is more water stored again, the hypersensitivity then decreases. Furthermore, during the treatment, … Risks/side effects of teeth whitening | Bleaching for teeth