Polymorphous Light Dermatosis: Examination

A comprehensive clinical examination is the basis for selecting further diagnostic steps: General physical examination – including blood pressure, pulse, body weight, height; further: Inspection (viewing). Skin [patchy erythema (areal redness of skin), followed by: bullae (blisters), papules (vesicles), papulo-vesicles (mixture of papule and vesicle (vesicle)), plaques] Predilection sites (typical sites for the appearance of … Polymorphous Light Dermatosis: Examination

Shingles (Herpes Zoster): Drug Therapy

Therapeutic targets Shortening the symptomatic phase Avoidance of complications Therapy recommendations Antiviral therapy: as soon as possible: virostasis (antivirals/drugs that inhibit viral replication)Note: Antiviral therapy within 72 hours of vesicle breakdown also reduces the risk of postzoster neuralgia.First-line therapy: Patients <50 years + limited findings on trunk and extremities: Antivirals (aciclovir, brivudine, valaciclovir, and famciclovir), … Shingles (Herpes Zoster): Drug Therapy

Shingles (Herpes Zoster): Diagnostic Tests

Diagnosis is usually made on the basis of history and physical examination. Optional medical device diagnostics – depending on the results of the history, physical examination, laboratory diagnostics, and obligatory medical device diagnostics – for differential diagnosis in case of complications. Computed tomography of the skull (cranial CT, cranial CT or cCT) – if meningoencephalitis … Shingles (Herpes Zoster): Diagnostic Tests

Polymorphous Light Dermatosis: Drug Therapy

Therapeutic target Alleviation of symptoms Therapy recommendations Beta-carotene Nicotinamide and folic acid Corticosteroids; azathioprine in extreme individual cases. Antihistamines can relieve the itching See also under “Further therapy“. All agents have in common a relatively limited efficacy. In experimental studies, efficacy has been demonstrated for E. coli extract. Supplements (dietary supplements; vital substances) Appropriate dietary … Polymorphous Light Dermatosis: Drug Therapy

Itching of the Scalp

If itching occurs all over the body, you should not hesitate to see a doctor. The causes behind the discomfort may be harmless – for example, stress or nervousness come into question. However, itching all over the body can also be triggered by serious diseases such as diabetes, diseases of the kidneys or liver, and … Itching of the Scalp

Nodes under the Skin

A lump under the skin is often associated with cancer. But small lumps behind the ears, on the neck, in the breast or on the anus can also have completely different, harmless causes. Often a cyst or a benign lipoma is the trigger. Nevertheless, changes in the tissue should always be clarified by a doctor … Nodes under the Skin

Numbness: What to Do?

Behind a feeling of numbness in the arms, thighs, feet or face can be various causes. Often, a lack of blood circulation or a pinched nerve is responsible for the discomfort. But serious diseases such as a slipped disc or a stroke can also be accompanied by numbness. We inform you about possible causes and … Numbness: What to Do?

Numbness: Other Causes

Polyneuropathy is a disease of the peripheral nervous system that is associated with sensory disturbances and numbness in the hands and feet. These are triggered by irritated, inflamed or damaged nerve pathways. Depending on the cause of the disease, there may be other symptoms; for example, muscle weakness often occurs. Diabetic polyneuropathy A special form … Numbness: Other Causes

Ichthyosis: Treatment

Ichthyoses are not curable. Their treatment is therefore based on the individual signs of the disease and is therefore only symptomatic. Since the skin is overall too dry, it needs water and fat and must be “descaled”. Baths with common salt and bath oil are considered very useful. Sponges for brushing the skin are essential. … Ichthyosis: Treatment