Ophthalmoscopy – Eye Fundus Examination (Funduscopy)

The ophthalmoscopy, also called ocular funduscopy or funduscopy, is a special examination of the eye that allows the examining doctor to take a look at the fundus in order to make a medical assessment. The fundus includes the retina, the choroid, the point where the optic nerve exits the eye, as well as all the … Ophthalmoscopy – Eye Fundus Examination (Funduscopy)

Direct Ophthalmoscopy | Ophthalmoscopy – the ophthalmoscopy

Direct Ophthalmoscopy The principle of direct ophthalmoscopy is basically the same as for indirect ophthalmoscopy, with the only difference that the ophthalmologist uses an electric ophthalmoscope instead of a head ophthalmoscope. The electric ophthalmoscope is an ophthalmologic instrument that looks like a short rod with a mirror with a built-in magnifying glass attached to one … Direct Ophthalmoscopy | Ophthalmoscopy – the ophthalmoscopy

Driving | Ophthalmoscopy – Eye Fundus Examination (Funduscopy)

Driving The ophthalmoscopy itself is an extremely low-risk and easy to perform type of examination and is also completely painless for the patient. However, it is important to note that patients are required to have a relative or friend drive to the site of the examination and pick them up, or to use public transportation. … Driving | Ophthalmoscopy – Eye Fundus Examination (Funduscopy)

Diabetes | Ophthalmoscopy – Eye Fundus Examination (Funduscopy)

Diabetes Diabetics are a particularly susceptible risk group for a certain disease or consequential damage to the eye. The disease here is called “diabetic retinopathy“. Since diabetes mellitus is not an acutely occurring disease, but rather a slow, insidious process that ultimately affects virtually all areas of our body, it is not a disease of … Diabetes | Ophthalmoscopy – Eye Fundus Examination (Funduscopy)

Baby/with children | Ophthalmoscopy – Eye Fundus Examination (Funduscopy)

Baby/with children Another high-risk group for pathological changes in the blood vessels of the retina are premature babies, especially if they were ventilated with oxygen after birth. Since the baby’s retina and its vessels only fully develop in the last third of the pregnancy, it is easy for premature babies to have a development that … Baby/with children | Ophthalmoscopy – Eye Fundus Examination (Funduscopy)

Duration of an ocular fundus examination | Ocular fundus examination

Duration of an ocular fundus examination An ocular fundus examination is part of the ophthalmological routine and does not take much time. However, since the pupils of the eyes must first be artificially opened with anticholinergic eye drops before the actual examination, it is necessary to allow a little more time. The patient is often … Duration of an ocular fundus examination | Ocular fundus examination

Eye background examination for diabetes | Ocular fundus examination

Eye background examination for diabetes Although diabetes mellitus is a disease that primarily affects the pancreas and thus the body’s sugar metabolism, it is also a disease of the liver. However, this disorder affects the entire body and all organ systems, including the eyes. The main consequential damage that diabetes causes to the eye is … Eye background examination for diabetes | Ocular fundus examination

Retinal Exam

Introduction The examination of the retina not only serves to detect diseases of the eye at an early stage and to regularly monitor their course, but also diseases that can affect the entire body, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, can manifest themselves and be recognized in the eye. Through early detection, possible consequential … Retinal Exam

What are the indications for retinal examination? | Retinal Exam

What are the indications for retinal examination? Indications for an examination of the retina may be Macular diseases like macular holes Glaucoma Macular degeneration Retinal detachment (Ablatio retinae) Diabetic retinopathy Retinopathy pigmentosa (retinal degeneration) Tumor Macular diseases like macular holes Glaucoma Macular Degeneration Retinal detachment (Ablatio retinae) Diabetic Retinopathy Retinopathia Pigmentosa (retinal degeneration) Tumor Is … What are the indications for retinal examination? | Retinal Exam