
Introduction The drug known under the trade name “Decortin®” contains the active ingredient prednisolone. Decortin® is therefore a synthetically produced glucocorticoid, i.e. a hormone which in the human body is actually produced in the adrenal cortex. Glucocorticoids in turn belong to the group of steroid hormones. Their production is based on a cholesterol molecule, the … Decortin®

Side effects of Prednisolone

The side effects of prednisolone are the result of the described effects, which influence The hormone and electrolyte balance Skin Muscles Bones Nervous system and Psyche Gastrointestinal tract Circuit Immune System Blood and Eyes Under prednisolone administration, conceivable side effects on the hormone balance are the development of Cushing’s syndrome with full moon face and … Side effects of Prednisolone


Product names (exemplary): 1,2-Dehydrocortisol Deltahydrocortisone Metacortandralon Predni blue® Prednisolone acis Predni h tablinen® Prednisolone is an artificially produced glucocorticoid. These in turn form the group of steroid hormones, which are produced in the adrenal cortex. Related to prednisolone in structure and mode of action is the naturally occurring cortisone or hydrocortisone produced in the body … Prednisolone


dexamethasone Definition Fortecortin® is a synthetically produced hormone of the adrenal cortex called glucocorticoid. It has an anti-inflammatory and weakening effect on the immune system. Fields of application A distinction is made between local and systemic (affecting the whole body) use. In the local application, Fortecortin® is used for local inflammations that do not respond … Fortecortin®

Contraindications | Fortecortin®

Contraindications As with all medicines, there are situations in which Fortecortin® should not be given. However, if an emergency occurs in which the administration of Fortecortin® can save lives, there is no contraindication. Fortecortin® must not be prescribed in cases of hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug. Further contraindications are: In general, Fortecortin® must … Contraindications | Fortecortin®