Life expectancy | Calcified heart valve

Life expectancy Untreated, the prognosis of a calcified heart valve is unfavorable, since arteriosclerosis worsens as the disease progresses. Without treatment, the heart valve calcifies more and more until at some point complications occur, such as a stroke, cardiac arrhythmia or even sudden cardiac death. With the right therapy, life expectancy is hardly reduced. In … Life expectancy | Calcified heart valve

Causes of heart attack

During a heart attack, also known as myocardial infarction or heartbeat, a part of the heart muscle (myocardium) is undersupplied due to a circulatory disorder (ischemia). This lack of oxygen causes this part of the heart muscle cells to die. The circulatory disorder occurs because one of the vessels supplying the heart muscle is blocked. … Causes of heart attack

Vegetative Syncope

Synonyms Vasovagal syncope, blackout, fainting, circulatory collapse, collapse, blackout before eyes Definition Vegetative syncope is a short-term unconsciousness due to an intrinsically harmless maladjustment of the circulation through the autonomic nervous system in case of emotional stress, exhaustion, long periods of standing still (guardsman) or pain. Due to an excessive activation of the vagus nerve, … Vegetative Syncope

Therapy | Vegetative Syncope

Therapy “Shock positioning”, i.e. the upper body of the affected person is positioned low and the legs are positioned high. This promotes the return flow of the “bagged” blood to the heart and thus also to the brain. Basically, vegetative syncope rarely requires treatment. It is recommended that those affected do cardiovascular training through endurance … Therapy | Vegetative Syncope