
Synonyms spit, saliva Introduction Saliva is an exocrine secretion that is produced in the salivary glands located in the oral cavity. In humans, there are three large salivary glands and a large number of small salivary glands. Large salivary glands include the parotid gland (Glandula parotis), the mandibular gland (Glandula submandibularis) and the sublingual gland … Saliva

More detailed composition | Saliva

More detailed composition Saliva is composed of many different components, whereby the proportions of the respective components differ from unstimulated to stimulated saliva, and the place of production, i.e. which salivary gland is responsible for saliva production, also contributes significantly to the composition. The saliva consists of water for the most part (95%). However, in … More detailed composition | Saliva

Head Hair

Head hair refers to the hair on the head as opposed to the rest of the hair on the body. The human hair is between 0.05 and 0.07 millimeters thick, although there are smaller individual but also origin-related differences. The thickness of the hair decreases with increasing age. The hormone balance also has a negative … Head Hair

Grow faster | Head Hair

Grow faster Faster growing scalp hair can be desirable for various reasons. For women who would like to have beautiful long hair, and for men, whose hair fullness may not be as strong. Various factors can positively influence the growth of hair. A healthy and balanced diet provides not only the body with all nutrients, … Grow faster | Head Hair

Plucking | Head Hair

Plucking For many people with a pathological hair loss, the so-called alopecia, this is a very big cosmetic problem, which often becomes a psychological burden. Therefore, researchers are working at full speed on an effective treatment against pathological hair loss. More recent studies aim at the regenerative power of the hair. In a study with … Plucking | Head Hair

Swollen lip

Introduction Lip swelling can have various causes. Injuries, for example from an accident, can cause lip swelling. Also in the context of an epileptic seizure, the person affected can bite his or her lip and it can swell up as a result. Causes of a swollen lip These injuries can result in open areas of … Swollen lip

Itching | Swollen lip

Itching In the context of allergies, lip swelling can occur in combination with itching. The itching can be limited to one part of the body or in the whole body. The itching is caused by the excessive release of messenger substances from the mast cells of the body. Among other things, histamine mediates itching. Allergic … Itching | Swollen lip