Fibula (fibula)

Synonyms Head of fibula, head of fibula, external ankle, lateral malleolus, caput fibulae Medical: Fibula Anatomy The fibula of the fibula forms the two bones of the lower leg with the tibia. Both bones are connected by fibers (Membrana interossea cruris). The fibula of the fibula lies on the outside of the lower leg. The … Fibula (fibula)

Fibula fracture | Fibula (fibula)

Fibula fracture The fibula is a rather thin bone and therefore relatively fragile. Nevertheless, isolated fibular fractures, in which only the fibula is affected, are rather rare. They occur as a result of a so-called direct impact trauma, e.g. a kick on the lateral leg while playing soccer, or as a fatigue fracture caused by … Fibula fracture | Fibula (fibula)