Anatomy of the toe

The toes (lat. : digitus pedis) are the terminal limbs of the human foot. Normally a human being has five toes on each foot, which are systematically numbered from the inside out in the anatomy with Roman numbers from one to five. The big toe is therefore called digitus pedis I or also called hallux, … Anatomy of the toe


Synonym: Flexion Diffraction (Flexion) Besides stretching, flexion is the most common movement in weight training. In the initial situation the arm/leg is stretched. The arm does not have to lie against the body. During the contraction phase, the joint becomes wrapped around the arm. In the picture you can see a flexion in the elbow … Diffraction

Innervation | Anatomy of the toe

Innervation In order for these muscle groups to tense up and move their toes, they require electrical signals (commands) from nerves in the spinal cord. Two nerves, the tibial nerve and the fibular nerve, are particularly important in this respect. The toe flexor muscles, the muscles responsible for spreading the toes and the muscle groups … Innervation | Anatomy of the toe


Synonyms latin: adducere Abduction In abduction, the extremities are removed from the body. For example, one can imagine the abduction of the stretched arms in the shoulder joint. Here, the outer part of the shoulder muscles contracts. Butterfly reverse is another form of abduction in the shoulder joint, but with the arms in a forward … Abduction

Front cruciate ligament

Definition The anterior cruciate ligament (ligamentum cruciatum anterius) connects the thigh bone (femur) and tibia. As part of the ligamentous apparatus of the knee, it serves to stabilize the knee joint (Articulatio genus). Like the ligament structures of all joints, the anterior cruciate ligament consists mainly of collagen fibers, i.e. connective tissue. Although the anterior … Front cruciate ligament


Synonym Antetarsus Definition The forefoot is the foremost part of the foot, it connects to the metatarsus and is formed by the five phalanges. Anatomy The forefoot is formed by: The joints between the toe joints are called interphalangeal joints. A distinction is made: The phalanges become shorter and more delicate from proximal (near the … Forefoot

Metatarsophalangeal joint

Structure The metatarsophalangeal joints (Articulationes metatarsophalangeales) are the joints located between the heads of the metatarsals and the corresponding base of the first limb of the toe (proximal phalanx, metatarsophalangeal phalanx). Since we have five toes on each foot, there are also five metatarsophalangeal joints on each foot, which are numbered from I to V … Metatarsophalangeal joint

The lower ankle joint

Synonym USG, Articulatio talotarsalis Definition The lower ankle joint in combination with the upper ankle joint is the articulated connection between the two, allowing for optimal stability and great mobility. In contrast to the upper ankle joint, it has no direct contact to one of the lower leg bones, the joint surfaces are formed by … The lower ankle joint


Introduction The nails (Ungues) at fingers and toes are mechanical protection devices and fulfill important tasks of the tactile function by forming an abutment to the finger and/or toe ball. A single nail consists of nail plate, nail wall and nail bed. The nail plate is a horny plate with a thickness of approximately 0.5 … Toenails