Tertiary adrenal cortex insufficiency

What is tertiary adrenal cortex insufficiency? In the literature, adrenal cortex hypofunction resulting from the inadequate intake or incorrect dose reduction of cortisol is often referred to as tertiary adrenal cortex insufficiency. In many cases, especially inflammatory diseases, cortisol can improve the symptoms. If cortisol is suddenly discontinued, the body’s lack of self-production can lead … Tertiary adrenal cortex insufficiency

Difference to secondary adrenal cortex insufficiency | Tertiary adrenal cortex insufficiency

Difference to secondary adrenal cortex insufficiency Secondary adrenal insufficiency is a functional impairment of the pituitary gland or adenohypophysis. It is often a benign tumor that leads to such impairment. Without the effect of the hormones produced by the pituitary gland, the adrenal cortex lacks its drive to produce cortisol and the sex hormones (androgens). … Difference to secondary adrenal cortex insufficiency | Tertiary adrenal cortex insufficiency

Therapy options | Serotonin deficiency – symptoms and therapy

Therapy options The assumption that a lack of serotonin can be increased by the administration of this hormone is not correct. However, there are drugs that influence serotonin levels through various mechanisms. Various antidepressants are used in the treatment of depression. It is important to know that serotonin, as a messenger substance between nerve cells … Therapy options | Serotonin deficiency – symptoms and therapy

Causes of serotonin deficiency | Serotonin deficiency – symptoms and therapy

Causes of serotonin deficiency A serotonin deficiency can be caused at different levels: For example, if the building blocks for the production of the hormone are missing, the concentration drops. The main component of serotonin is L-tryptophan, a so-called essential amino acid. This means that L-tryptophane cannot be produced by the body itself and must … Causes of serotonin deficiency | Serotonin deficiency – symptoms and therapy

Serotonin deficiency in children | Serotonin deficiency – symptoms and therapy

Serotonin deficiency in children Since the diagnosis “serotonin deficiency” as such is difficult to make, it should be handled with great care, especially in children. If a child shows himself more listless than usual, separates himself from his friends and becomes more inattentive at school, a psychotherapist specially trained for children and adolescents should first … Serotonin deficiency in children | Serotonin deficiency – symptoms and therapy

Prophylaxis | Diabetes

Prophylaxis Unfortunately, there are no preventive measures that could prevent the development of type 1 diabetes mellitus. In contrast, the development of diabetes mellitus type 2 can be prevented quite easily (provided that there is no underlying genetic component) by a healthy lifestyle. One should take care to maintain a normal weight and exercise regularly. … Prophylaxis | Diabetes

Diabetes in children

Definition In addition to the much more common diabetes mellitus “type 2” (also known as diabetes of old age or affluence), there is also another form of diabetes mellitus, which is usually diagnosed in early childhood. We are talking about diabetes mellitus “type 1” (also known as juvenile diabetes, Dm1). In Dm1, a reaction of … Diabetes in children

How can I recognize the signs? | Diabetes in children

How can I recognize the signs? Often a diabetic first appears with unspecific symptoms. These are usually not initially interpreted as a metabolic disease. The most common symptoms in children are polyuria and polydipsia. Polyuria is the technical term for urinating more frequently than usual. This can be shown by wetting. Dry” children who start … How can I recognize the signs? | Diabetes in children