Erectile Dysfunction: Test and Diagnosis

Laboratory parameters of the 1st order – obligatory laboratory tests. Small blood count Inflammatory parameters – CRP (C-reactive protein) or ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate). Urine status (rapid test for: pH, leukocytes, nitrite, protein, glucose, blood), sediment, if necessary urine culture (pathogen detection and resistogram, that is, testing of suitable antibiotics for sensitivity / resistance). Electrolytes … Erectile Dysfunction: Test and Diagnosis

Erectile Dysfunction: Diagnostic Tests

Obligatory medical device diagnostics. Doppler sonography (ultrasound examination that can dynamically visualize fluid flow (especially blood flow)) – visualization of the penile arteries with a color Doppler or a duplex device and measurement of the so-called peak systolic velocity (PSV) and end-diastolic velocity (EDV), as well as the vascular resistance index (RI) in the A. … Erectile Dysfunction: Diagnostic Tests

Erectile Dysfunction: Micronutrient Therapy

Within the framework of micronutrient medicine (vital substances), the following vital substances (micronutrients) are used for supportive therapy. The semi-essential amino acid arginine can contribute to an improvement in blood flow and thus be used therapeutically in erectile dysfunction. To lower homocysteine levels and thus to prevent and treat atherosclerosis (risk factor of erectile dysfunction), … Erectile Dysfunction: Micronutrient Therapy

Erectile Dysfunction: Erectile Tissue Auto-Injection Therapy

Erectile tissue autoinjection therapy (SKAT) is a form of treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED) in which a penile-stiffening drug (alprostadil; prostaglandin E1, PGE1) is injected into the erectile tissue (corpus cavernosum). The procedure Erectile dysfunction is a euphemism for the inability of a man’s member to become erect enough for sexual intercourse, and thus the … Erectile Dysfunction: Erectile Tissue Auto-Injection Therapy

Erectile Dysfunction: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate erectile dysfunction (erectile dysfunction): Inability to get an erection Inability to maintain an erection Dissatisfaction with the sexual situation Attention. If there is chronic erectile dysfunction lasting at least six months and satisfactory intercourse is not possible in at least 70% of attempts, it is most likely erectile … Erectile Dysfunction: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

Gynecomastia: Medical History

The anamnesis (medical history) represents an important component in the diagnosis of gynecomastia (breast enlargement). Family history Are there several men in the family who suffer from gynecomastia? Social history Current anamnesis/systemic anamnesis (somatic and psychological complaints). When did the breast change become apparent? Is the change unilateral or bilateral? Is the breast sensitive to … Gynecomastia: Medical History

Gynecomastia: Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

The diagnosis of gynecomastia is a diagnosis of exclusion! Congenital malformations, deformities, and chromosomal abnormalities (Q00-Q99). Klinefelter syndrome – a numerical chromosomal aberration (aneuploidy) of the sex chromosomes occurring only in boys or men, which is manifested mainly by tall stature and testicular hypoplasia (testes too small ) – caused by hypogonadotropic hypogonadism(hypofunction of gonads). … Gynecomastia: Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Blood in Ejaculate (Hemospermia): Examination

A comprehensive clinical examination is the basis for selecting further diagnostic steps: General physical examination – including blood pressure, pulse, body temperature, body weight, body height; furthermore: Inspection (viewing). Skin, mucous membranes and sclerae (white part of the eye). External genitals Palpation (palpation) of the abdomen (abdomen) (pressure pain?, knock pain?, release pain?, cough pain?, … Blood in Ejaculate (Hemospermia): Examination

Blood in Ejaculate (Hemospermia): Test and Diagnosis

Laboratory parameters of the 1st order – obligatory laboratory tests. Urine status (rapid test for: pH, leukocytes, nitrite, protein, glucose, blood), sediment, if necessary urine culture (pathogen detection and resistogram, i.e. testing of suitable antibiotics for sensitivity/resistance) and urine cytology; midstream urine. If necessary, macroscopic and microscopic examination of the ejaculatory fluid – to distinguish … Blood in Ejaculate (Hemospermia): Test and Diagnosis

Blood in Ejaculate (Hemospermia): Diagnostic Tests

Optional medical device diagnostics – depending on the results of the history, physical examination, laboratory diagnostics, and obligatory medical device diagnostics – for differential diagnostic workup Transrectal prostate ultrasonography (TRUS; ultrasound using an ultrasound probe inserted into the rectum) including examination of the two seminal vesicles (glandula vesiculosa, vesicula seminalis); in more than 80% of … Blood in Ejaculate (Hemospermia): Diagnostic Tests

Blood in Ejaculate (Hemospermia): Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate hemospermia: Leading symptom Hemospermia (blood in the ejaculate; blood in the semen). Warning signs (red flags) Anamnestic information: Men > 40 + recurrent (repeated) occurrence of hemospermia → think of: malignant neoplasms (prostate, seminal vesicles, etc.). Pain during defecation (bowel emptying) → think of: Prostatitis (inflammation of the … Blood in Ejaculate (Hemospermia): Symptoms, Complaints, Signs