Aim of the stream flowering Rock Water | The Bach Flower Rock Water

Aim of the stream flowering Rock Water The Bach Flower Rock Water should help to realize that nobody is perfect, that the personality develops further and that some things that are absolutely right today can look completely different later. One develops inner freedom, inner peace and joy of life and learns to put more value … Aim of the stream flowering Rock Water | The Bach Flower Rock Water

Application of Bach Flowers

Preparation and application of Bach flowers The storage bottles or “stockbottles” contain Bach flowers in concentrated form and must be diluted to intake strength. Preparation of an intake bottle for prolonged use:The individually selected flower combination should not contain more than 6 flowers. The following is also required for use: Ingestion: The usual intake is … Application of Bach Flowers

List of the 38 Bach Flowers

Agrimony | Common Agrimony | One tries to hide worries, tormenting thoughts and inner restlessness behind a façade of happiness and joy. – Aspen | Aspen / Trembling Poplar | One has inexplicable fears, fear of impending disaster, expectation anxiety, “fear of fear”, “trembling like aspen leaves”. – Beech | copper beech | You judge … List of the 38 Bach Flowers

Bach Flowers with uncertainty

Which Bach Flowers come into question? For people who suffer from insecurity, the following Bach Flowers can be used: Cerato (lead root) Scleranthus (One-year-old ball) Gentian (autumn gentian) Gorse (gorse) Hornbeam (white beech) Wild Oat (Forest Trpe, Oatgrass) Positive development opportunities: Accepting inner guidance and intuition One has too little confidence in one’s own opinion … Bach Flowers with uncertainty

Bach Flower Therapy: Health and illness

Negative soul concept The negative soul concept and the physical symptoms and illnesses assigned by Dr Bach, which influences health and illness. Arrogance / Pride (not wanting to bend down)Symptoms: Rigidity, stiffness, arteriosclerosis, rigidity of thinking Cruelty (mercilessly, hurting with words, ignoring others)Symptoms: Because you inflict pain on others, you yourself suffer pain. Hate (temperamental … Bach Flower Therapy: Health and illness

Bach flowers for loneliness

Which Bach Flowers are used? For people who suffer from loneliness, the following Bach Flowers can be used: Heather (Scottish heather) Impatiens (Glandular balsam) Water Violet (Swamp Water Feather) Positive development opportunities: helpfulness, empathy One is self-centred, completely occupied with oneself, needs a large audience You want to be the centre of attention and you … Bach flowers for loneliness