Retrograde Amnesia

Definition Under a retrograde amnesia (lat. retrograde: “spatially and temporally receding”, Greek. Amnesia: “loss of memory“) refers to a loss of memory, or the lack of memory and awareness of things and experiences that took place shortly before a certain event, e.g. an accident. After a severe trauma, for example, the affected person cannot remember … Retrograde Amnesia

Duration | Retrograde Amnesia

Duration It is difficult to give precise information about the duration of retrograde amnesia. The damage to the brain does not necessarily have to be related to the extent of the memory gap. Thus, the duration varies individually, in some cases there is a loss of content for a few seconds or minutes, in others … Duration | Retrograde Amnesia

Korsakov Syndrome

Definition – What is a Korsakov syndrome? The Korsakow syndrome is a form of the so-called anamnestic syndromes, which is characterized by severe memory disorders. The main focus of the symptoms is that new content can no longer be transferred to the memory (anterograde amnesia). It is also typical that affected persons fill the memory … Korsakov Syndrome

Diagnosis | Korsakov Syndrome

Diagnosis The greatest importance in the diagnosis of Korsakov’s syndrome is attached to the clinical picture of the disease. Thus, an experienced physician can suspect the presence of Korsakov’s syndrome after a detailed medical history, guided by the typical memory disorder. This is particularly likely to occur if the patient or relatives report excessive alcohol … Diagnosis | Korsakov Syndrome

How do you distinguish Korsakow syndrome from dementia? | Korsakov Syndrome

How do you distinguish Korsakow syndrome from dementia? The Korsakow syndrome is generally assigned to the so-called anamnestic syndromes and not to the form of dementia. While the marked decrease in memory and disorientation can also be signs of dementia, the two groups of diseases differ significantly in other aspects. Anamnestic syndromes, such as the … How do you distinguish Korsakow syndrome from dementia? | Korsakov Syndrome

Anterograde amnesia

Definiton In anterograde amnesia, the patient suffers from a memory disorder in which the ability to remember new content is massively restricted. Memories that lie after the beginning of the triggering event cannot be stored and are lost after a short time. Anterograde means forward facing; here in relation to the temporal dimension. An anterograde … Anterograde amnesia

Transient global amnesia

Definition As the name suggests, transient global amnesia (TGA) is a temporary disorder of memory function. One speaks of global amnesia when all memory functions have ceased. No new information can be stored; even memories that were stored in the memory years or decades ago are no longer retrievable in global amnesia. This disorder lasts … Transient global amnesia

Transient global amnesia due to fatigue | Transient global amnesia

Transient global amnesia due to fatigue Fatigue alone does not usually lead to complete (= global) amnesia. There is no connection between classic transient global amnesia and fatigue. Frequently, however, fatigue is accompanied by disturbances in the ability to concentrate and a reduced ability to comprehend. The ability to remember can also be limited. New … Transient global amnesia due to fatigue | Transient global amnesia