Brain cysts

Introduction Brain cysts are delimited cavities in brain tissue, which can be either empty or filled with fluid. Sometimes they are additionally divided into several small chambers. Brain cysts are generally benign and, as long as they do not cause any symptoms, do not always need to be treated. In this case they are often … Brain cysts

Cysticercosis | Brain cysts

Cysticercosis Cysticercosis is a parasitic disease caused by infection with the tapeworms Taenia saginata and Taenia solium. The tapeworms use humans only as intermediate hosts and not as final hosts, which is why they store their eggs in different tissues. This results in the formation of the characteristic cysts in which the new tapeworms develop … Cysticercosis | Brain cysts

Therapy | Brain cysts

Therapy As long as the brain cysts do not cause any symptoms, they do not have to be treated in every case. Observation and regular control is sufficient at first. This does not apply to brain cysts that have been caused by a parasitic infection. These are either surgically removed or additionally treated with medication. … Therapy | Brain cysts

History | Signs of a brain tumor

History The course of a brain tumor depends primarily on whether it is a benign or malignant tumor. Slow-growing benign tumors cause symptoms at a very late stage and can often be removed before they become malignant. By contrast, malignant, aggressive tumors become symptomatic much earlier. Depending on which symptoms occur, the disease progresses better … History | Signs of a brain tumor

Signs of a brain tumor

Proliferations of the brain or meninges are collectively referred to as brain tumors. The tumor can be either good or malignant. Benign tumors in the brain grow rather slowly and usually remain clearly contoured, i.e. they can be easily distinguished and recognized from the surrounding brain tissue. In contrast, malignant tumors are characterized by rapid … Signs of a brain tumor


Introduction Medulloblastoma is a malignant, embryonic brain tumor of the cerebellum, which is classified as the most severe grade according to the WHO classification of tumors of the central nervous system, i.e. grade IV. Despite its degree, it has a fairly good prognosis. With 30%, medulloblastoma is the most common brain tumor in childhood and … Medulloblastoma

Appearance | Medulloblastoma

Appearance The medulloblastoma is usually a soft tumor with a blurred, soft surface and a gray-white cut, but can occasionally be sharply defined and rough. Larger tumors have central areas where actually active cells die (necroses). Microscopically, the classical medulloblastoma consists of densely packed cells with round to oval, strongly stainable (hyperchromatic) nuclei, surrounded by … Appearance | Medulloblastoma

Symptoms | Medulloblastoma

Symptoms The most common initial symptoms are headaches, nausea and vomiting, which are caused by the increased pressure in the skull (intracranial) and the disturbance of the cerebral fluid flow (cerebrospinal fluid circulation). In addition, the obstruction of the cerebrospinal fluid flow leads on both sides to swelling (edema) of the exit point of the … Symptoms | Medulloblastoma

Differential diagnosis | Medulloblastoma

Differential diagnosis Medulloblastomas have to be differentiated from similar small cell embryonic tumors such as neuroblastomas, ependymoblastomas, pinealomas and tumors of the lymphatic tissue (lymphomas). Therapy The therapy consists of the most radical possible surgical removal of the tumor and the subsequent high-dose irradiation with 40 Gray with direct irradiation of the posterior fossa and … Differential diagnosis | Medulloblastoma

Summary | Medulloblastoma

Summary Medulloblastomas are rapidly growing, malignant tumors of childhood and adolescence that originate from the cerebellar worm and can metastasize into the cerebrospinal fluid. The symptoms are vomiting, ataxia with a tendency to fall and congestive papillae with loss of visual acuity. For diagnosis, a CT and an MRT are performed. Therapy consists of surgical … Summary | Medulloblastoma