Perception: Illusions and Disturbances

Since our perception never corresponds one hundred percent with reality, the boundary to perceptual illusions or disorders is fluid. For example, we perceive colors even though light itself is not colored, but only has different wavelengths that are interpreted accordingly by the visual organ and brain; many animals, for example, perceive colors differently than humans. … Perception: Illusions and Disturbances

Care for affected persons? | Tetraspacification

Care for affected persons? Patients suffering from tetraspacification can be affected to varying degrees. Those who have to struggle with severe impairment often need nursing support, if not complete care.Nursing care can help in coping with everyday activities when independence is still partially present and, in the case of severely movement-impaired patients, ensures that they … Care for affected persons? | Tetraspacification

Perception: What is it Anyway?

“Wara neman” – for the ancient Germanic peoples, this meant paying attention to something. From this moment until “perceiving”, i.e. grasping how something is, many complex processes take place in the body in which numerous structures are involved. In order to survive, the organism has to find its way in its environment – an environment … Perception: What is it Anyway?

Causes | Tetraspacification

Causes The cause of tetra spasticity is always damage to the central nervous system. This can have different causes and can have different characteristics: For example, in the course of a traumatic event (e.g. a fall from a great height), damage to the spinal cord can occur, which initially results in a flaccid paralysis, the … Causes | Tetraspacification


Synonyms in a broader sense lockjaw, Clostridium tetani Summary Tetanus is an infectious disease. The responsible bacteria live everywhere in the earth or dust. They get into wounds and multiply. A blockage leads to uncontrollable muscle cramps. The tetanus is treated with antibiotics in the hospital to kill the pathogen of the poison. A tetanus … Tetanus

Diagnosis | Tetanus

Diagnosis The diagnosis is usually made clinically, i.e. by the symptoms mentioned above. An indication may be a possible entry point, an open wound. The toxin can be detected in the blood. Therapy Due to the high mortality rate, patients must be hospitalized. If the tetanus toxin has already spread, there is no longer any … Diagnosis | Tetanus

Causes of shingles

Introduction Shingles is a sequelae of the disease “chickenpox“, which often occurs in childhood. Shingles does not necessarily always occur, but can also be caused by immunodeficiency or stress, as well as other causes. This leads to reactivation of the varicella zoster virus and thus to skin reactions and other symptoms. The basic cause for … Causes of shingles

Always tired – What can I do?

Many people suffer from constant fatigue, or are always tired. The causes of this phenomenon are very diverse and can often be explained by lack of sleep or overwork. Chronic fatigue is very exhausting for those affected, as it significantly limits their performance in everyday life and at work. The reserves are used up and … Always tired – What can I do?