Therapy of a purulent meningitis

Synonyms in a broader sense Bacterial meningitis, hood meningitis, convexity meningitis, leptomeningitis, meningococcal meningitis, antibiotic Medical: Meningitis purulenta Definition The term purulent meningitis (purulent meninges) describes a purulent inflammation (-itis) of the meninges (meninges), which can be caused by various pathogens. The purulent meningitis (purulent meningitis) is usually caused by bacteria. It is accompanied by … Therapy of a purulent meningitis

Therapy staphylococci (methicillin-sensitive) | Therapy of a purulent meningitis

Therapy staphylococci (methicillin-sensitive) Flucloxacillin | 4 – 6x/day 2 g i. v. alternatively Vancomycin | 2g/day i. v. (every 6 – 12 hours 0.5 – 1 g) or Fosfomycin | 3x/day 5 g i. v. or Rifampicin | 1x/day 10 mg/kg i. v. , max. 600/750 mg or Cefazolin | 3 – 4x/day 2 – … Therapy staphylococci (methicillin-sensitive) | Therapy of a purulent meningitis