Stroke in the eye

Definition For many, the frightening diagnosis of stroke in the head is well known. But many people do not know that a stroke in the eye can also occur. A stroke in the eye is the sudden closure of a vein in the eye. It is called retinal vein occlusion. Both older and younger people … Stroke in the eye

Symptoms | Stroke in the eye

Symptoms The stroke in the eye often sets in very suddenly and patients usually do not notice the process at first. The vein is closed without pain. Then suddenly various visual disturbances can occur after a stroke. The field of vision can be restricted, so that some areas become blurred or even not perceived at … Symptoms | Stroke in the eye

Therapy | Stroke in the eye

Therapy Early treatment of a stroke is extremely important to prevent consequential damage such as permanent blindness of the affected eye. The earlier the treatment, the better the chances. Initially, the focus is also on preserving the ability to see. This is followed by the fight against the cause of the stroke in order to … Therapy | Stroke in the eye

Consequences | Stroke in the eye

Consequences The severity of the consequential damage caused by a stroke in the eye depends not only on the duration until the adequate therapy is initiated, but above all on the affected vessel. While occlusions of lateral branch veins usually cause only minor restrictions, the consequences of an occlusion of the central ocular vein can … Consequences | Stroke in the eye

Stroke of the cerebellum

Introduction A stroke is a disease that results from a circulatory disorder of the brain. All areas of the brain must be supplied with blood through arteries. Therefore, not only the so-called cerebrum can be affected by a stroke, but also other areas of the brain such as the brain stem or the cerebellum. The … Stroke of the cerebellum

These are the long-term consequences | Stroke of the cerebellum

These are the long-term consequences In the best possible case, the symptoms of the stroke will completely disappear. Neurological rehabilitation often follows inpatient treatment. There, physiotherapy and other supportive measures are available to those affected. Unfortunately, however, it is not always the case that all symptoms regress. After a stroke, there is the possibility that … These are the long-term consequences | Stroke of the cerebellum

You can do this yourself to improve the healing | Stroke of the cerebellum

You can do this yourself to improve the healing In order to improve healing, it is important to follow the guidelines of the doctors. The prescribed therapy recommendations regarding medication and lifestyle should be carried out urgently. It is important to have a good blood sugar level (if you have diabetes) and blood pressure. If … You can do this yourself to improve the healing | Stroke of the cerebellum

Visual disturbance after a stroke

Introduction A stroke describes a circulatory disorder of the brain. It can be caused by calcification of the vessel walls or by a blood clot that blocks the vessels. A cerebral haemorrhage can also lead to a reduced supply of blood to the brain. Consequently, the cells die and the tissue is destroyed. The stroke … Visual disturbance after a stroke

The cure of a visual disorder after a stroke | Visual disturbance after a stroke

The cure of a visual disorder after a stroke The healing process of a stroke is very different for each individual. It depends on the extent of the damaged area, the start of therapy and the rehabilitation measures. In addition, each person has a different reserve capacity. The less the brain is pre-damaged, by small … The cure of a visual disorder after a stroke | Visual disturbance after a stroke

Measures in case of a stroke

Introduction A stroke is a life-threatening emergency that requires immediate medical treatment. This involves an interruption of the oxygen supply to the affected areas of the brain and nerve cells die. The longer this interruption lasts, the larger areas of the brain are affected. Thus, the time until the necessary therapy is initiated plays a … Measures in case of a stroke

What to do until the ambulance service is there in case of a stroke? | Measures in case of a stroke

What to do until the ambulance service is there in case of a stroke? In principle one should pay attention to the fact that the person concerned is never left alone, but always a person is with her, calms her down and recognizes possible worsening of the situation. Since swallowing disorders can occur, after suspicion … What to do until the ambulance service is there in case of a stroke? | Measures in case of a stroke