Gluten intolerance

Definition Gluten intolerance is a disease with many different names: Celiac disease is the most common name in the medical field. But the disease can also be called native sprue or gluten-sensitive enteropathy. Causes Diagnostics First of all, the anamnesis plays an important role on the way to finding a diagnosis. The attending physician will … Gluten intolerance

What are the signs of gluten intolerance? | Gluten intolerance

What are the signs of gluten intolerance? Gluten intolerance is often discovered in childhood, when people start feeding cereal products. It leads to diarrhea and not infrequently to fatty stools, i.e. foul-smelling, shiny and voluminous stools, which occur as part of the fat digestion disorder. The affected children often have little appetite. This leads to … What are the signs of gluten intolerance? | Gluten intolerance

Treatment | Gluten intolerance

Treatment The treatment of gluten intolerance consists primarily of a complete change of diet. Food containing gluten must be strictly avoided. Since gluten is present in most types of grain, such a diet is often not easy to implement at the beginning. A gluten-free diet leads to a slow recovery of the mucous membrane of … Treatment | Gluten intolerance

Which beer can I drink if I am gluten intolerant? | Gluten intolerance

Which beer can I drink if I am gluten intolerant? There are special gluten-free beers that can be drunk if you have a known coeliac condition. There are gluten-free beers that are made from gluten-free grains and beers that are made from gluten-containing grains but where the gluten has been largely broken down during the … Which beer can I drink if I am gluten intolerant? | Gluten intolerance

Symptoms | Lactose intolerance

Symptoms More information on the topic: Symptoms of lactose intoleranceLactose intolerance is characterized by digestive problems after the consumption of lactose-containing foods and beverages. These include dairy products such as milk, cream, yoghurt, cream or powdered milk and some types of cheese, especially fresh cheeses. The more lactose, i.e. milk sugar, is consumed, the more … Symptoms | Lactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance

Synonyms Lactose malabsorption, lactose intolerance, lactose intolerance, alactasia, lactose deficiency syndrome : lactose intoleranceLactose intolerance is the deficiency or complete absence of the enzyme lactase, which is needed for the correct digestion of the milk sugar contained in milk (lactose, beta-galactose-1,4-glucose). Lactose is the main carbohydrate in milk and is present in varying concentrations in … Lactose intolerance

Nutrition for lactose intolerance

Synonyms Lactose malabsorption, lactose intolerance, lactose intolerance, alactasia, lactose deficiency syndrome, lactose intolerance. Classification In principle, lactose intolerance can be classified according to severity in order to achieve a better therapeutic approach. Lactose intolerance is classified according to the amount of lactose in grams that can be easily digested per day. At 8-10g per day, … Nutrition for lactose intolerance


What is lactose? Lactose is the so-called milk sugar and is found in the milk of mammals. The proportion of milk sugar in milk can vary between 2% and 7%. Lactose is a so-called dual sugar, which consists of two different types of sugar. As a sugar, lactose belongs to the group of carbohydrates and … Lactose

Lactose allergy | Lactose

Lactose allergy An allergy to lactose should not be confused with lactose intolerance, even though these terms are often used colloquially. Lactose intolerance is a deficiency of the lactose-cleaving enzyme lactase, which does not cause an allergic reaction. If there is an allergy to lactose, this is accompanied by an allergic reaction. This means that … Lactose allergy | Lactose


What is fructose? Fructose (fruit sugar) belongs as so-called simple sugar, just like glucose (dextrose), to the carbohydrates. Fructose and glucose are the two components of commercially available household sugar. Where does fructose occur? Naturally, fructose is mainly found in fruits. These include pome fruits, such as apples and pears, berries and exotic fruits. Honey … Fructose