Hot flashes

Hot flashes occur suddenly and are ascending. They usually disappear as quickly as they occurred. Sometimes it occurs only once a day, but on other days up to 40 times. As different as hot flushes seem and can occur, so different can their cause be. In addition to the classic menopausal hot flushes, numerous other … Hot flashes

What are the psychological causes? | Hot flashes

What are the psychological causes? In general, stress by activating the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic nervous system or “fight or flight” system) can lead to hot flashes. These can then be assigned to specific situations with a detailed anamnesis and detect a psychological cause for the hot flushes. Stress can generally be perceived as negative … What are the psychological causes? | Hot flashes

The prognosis | Hot flashes

The prognosis If the symptoms are climacteric hot flushes as part of the hormonal change in the course of the menopause, the prognosis is very favorable: All symptoms usually disappear again after the new hormonal situation has settled down, i.e. after about 3-5 years. In a few exceptional cases, the symptoms last a little longer … The prognosis | Hot flashes

Duration of hot flashes

Introduction Hot flushes are complaints that can be attributed to various causes. Mostly they are hormonal changes in the body that influence the temperature regulation and thus cause hot flushes. Hot flushes typically occur in the so-called menopause, i.e. women in the menopause are affected. The regulation of the sex hormones changes in these women. … Duration of hot flashes

This can be done to stop the hot flashes | Duration of hot flashes

This can be done to stop the hot flashes Many women use herbal remedies to modify or shorten hot flashes. But small changes can also improve and shorten hot flashes in other places. Clothing, for example, plays an important role. You should therefore wear more clothing made of natural fibres, as these are more breathable … This can be done to stop the hot flashes | Duration of hot flashes

Is it possible to delay the onset of menopause? | The Menopause

Is it possible to delay the onset of menopause? The possibilities to influence the onset of menopause are limited. Some factors are known to be associated with a tendency to start menopause later. A healthy lifestyle tends to delay the onset of menopause. According to one study, green and yellow vegetables are particularly effective. Even … Is it possible to delay the onset of menopause? | The Menopause

The Menopause

Introduction The menopause describes the last menstruation caused by ovulation. The transitional phase, in which the woman loses her fertility, is called the climacteric or menopause. During this time, the ovaries lose their function, which causes, among other things, the oestrogen level to drop. But other sex hormones are also subject to changes. The phase … The Menopause

The symptoms | The Menopause

The symptoms About one third of women experience no symptoms at all during menopause. Another third suffer from mild symptoms, while the last third are severely affected by the symptoms. Common symptoms are headaches, hot flashes, sweating and dizziness. In addition, there may be other complaints such as anxiety and irritability. Mood swings during the … The symptoms | The Menopause

The bleeding afterwards – what can be behind it? | The Menopause

The bleeding afterwards – what can be behind it? In case of bleeding after the menopause, a doctor should be consulted for clarification in any case, as serious diseases could be hidden behind it. A malignant cancer must always be excluded. But also benign growths can cause postmenopausal bleeding (bleeding that occurs after the menopause). … The bleeding afterwards – what can be behind it? | The Menopause