Postpartum depression

Synonyms baby blues, postpartum depression (PPD), puerperal depression Definition In most cases the terms “postpartum depression“, baby blues and postpartum depression are used equally. Strictly speaking, however, the “baby blues” only refers to an emotional, slightly depressive instability of the mother (also known as crying days) in the first two weeks after delivery, which only … Postpartum depression

Frequency distribution | Postpartum depression

Frequency distribution The frequency distribution of postpartum depression is about 10-15% of all mothers and even 4-10% of fathers. These can have developed the depression either in the context of their own wife’s depression or on their own, without the woman being affected. In contrast, the frequency of baby blues is significantly increased. About 25-50% … Frequency distribution | Postpartum depression

Can I breastfeed with medication? | Postpartum depression

Can I breastfeed with medication? As already described in the previous paragraph, there is the problem that many antidepressants partially pass into breast milk and thus prohibit breastfeeding. So there are two possibilities: Either the mother stops breastfeeding or therapy is started with an antidepressant under which breastfeeding of the child is possible to a … Can I breastfeed with medication? | Postpartum depression

How can I lose weight especially on the stomach? | Weight reduction after pregnancy

How can I lose weight especially on the stomach? To lose weight specifically on the stomach, a lot of exercise and a balanced diet are necessary. The so-called “visceral fatty tissue” on the stomach reacts differently to changing eating habits than subcutaneous fat. Therefore, it is particularly helpful on the stomach if you consume fewer … How can I lose weight especially on the stomach? | Weight reduction after pregnancy

Losing weight after pregnancy without breastfeeding | Weight reduction after pregnancy

Losing weight after pregnancy without breastfeeding In the first 6 weeks after the birth you should definitely avoid dieting and starving. Non-nursing mothers often find it more difficult to lose weight after the birth. To lose weight without breastfeeding it helps to change your diet slowly. You should have breakfast every morning, no matter how … Losing weight after pregnancy without breastfeeding | Weight reduction after pregnancy

Diagnosis | Puerperal pain

Diagnosis The diagnosis of normal pain in the puerperium is usually based on the symptoms. In the case of severe pain with suspected postpartum congestion, it is important to examine the abdomen in detail and to carry out a gynaecological examination. The status of the uterus (fundus status) is assessed. This allows conclusions to be … Diagnosis | Puerperal pain

Puerperal pain

Introduction Abdominal pain in the puerperium describes a symptom that can occur in the period after giving birth. The postpartum period includes the time between delivery and the complete completion of the regression of pregnancy changes. This period is usually given as 6 weeks. Abdominal pain can be of varying severity and, depending on the … Puerperal pain

Courses after birth

Introduction Midwives, hospitals, birth centers and many other institutions offer a variety of courses for young parents. Some of the courses are very useful and can take a lot of load off the shoulders of new parents in particular, by showing them that they are not the only ones and that a little overwork at … Courses after birth

First aid courses for newborns | Courses after birth

First aid courses for newborns Both midwives and aid organizations offer special first aid courses for newborns. Serious emergencies with otherwise healthy babies are fortunately very rare, but when they do occur, they are all the more dramatic for everyone involved. Children are not small adults and infants are not small children. Many things work … First aid courses for newborns | Courses after birth