Can a calcified placenta be prevented? | Calcified placenta

Can a calcified placenta be prevented? Calcification of the placenta can only be prevented to a limited extent. Calcifications are quite natural with increasing duration of pregnancy and are part of the maturing and aging process of the placenta. Such an aging process cannot be prevented. Smoking is discussed as one of the factors that … Can a calcified placenta be prevented? | Calcified placenta

Calcified placenta

What is a calcified placenta? The placenta plays a central role in pregnancy as it ensures the exchange of nutrients between mother and child. Its intactness is therefore of decisive importance for an uncomplicated course of the pregnancy. The expression “calcified placenta” is becoming increasingly common. But what exactly is a calcified placenta and what … Calcified placenta

Diagnosis | Calcified placenta

Diagnosis The diagnosis of a calcified placenta is made by the gynecologist. The gynaecologist can detect calcification of the placenta in the ultrasound examination. There, calcifications appear as whitish changes in the placental tissue. Based on the extent of the calcifications and the age of pregnancy, the gynecologist can determine whether they are natural or … Diagnosis | Calcified placenta

Associated symptoms | Calcified placenta

Associated symptoms Calcification of the placenta as such does not cause symptoms. Placental calcifications are not noticed by the expectant mother, but are only noticed during the ultrasound examination by the gynecologist. In most cases, placental calcifications are natural and have no disease value. However, they rarely occur during early pregnancy in the context of … Associated symptoms | Calcified placenta

Risk of infection | Prohibited foods during pregnancy

Risk of infection The most common reason why many foods should be avoided by pregnant women is the associated risk of infection. Almost all uncooked and unwashed food can contain pathogens and is prohibited for pregnant women. For an adult, most of them are hardly dangerous, because the mature immune system can usually fight them … Risk of infection | Prohibited foods during pregnancy

Are chest pains dangerous during pregnancy? | Breast pulling during pregnancy

Are chest pains dangerous during pregnancy? As a rule, pulling the breast during pregnancy is not dangerous. The prerequisite is that no heart disease triggers the complaints. In most cases, the pulling pain in the breast during pregnancy is caused by a change in the body on a hormonal level. The breast is also prepared … Are chest pains dangerous during pregnancy? | Breast pulling during pregnancy

Associated symptoms | Breast pulling during pregnancy

Associated symptoms In addition to pulling into the breast, swelling and hardening of the mammary gland can also occur. The entire breast can also swell. In this combination, the cause of the complaints is usually the pregnancy that is taking place and the complaints are hormonal in nature. There are some accompanying symptoms that can … Associated symptoms | Breast pulling during pregnancy