Therapy/treatment | Exercises for a vertebral blockage in BWS

Therapy/treatment The therapy or treatment of a vertebral blockage in the thoracic spine varies from patient to patient. It always depends on the position of the blocked vertebra and the effects of the blockage. Depending on the patient’s medical history and age, an appropriate therapy is then initiated. However, it always makes sense to reposition … Therapy/treatment | Exercises for a vertebral blockage in BWS

Symptoms | Exercises for a vertebral blockage in BWS

Symptoms The symptoms of a vertebral blockage in the thoracic spine can vary from patient to patient. They can range from pain to breathing difficulties, asthma, susceptibility to infections, cardiovascular complaints, tingling and numbness. The severity and extent of the symptoms depend on which thoracic vertebra is blocked, how long the blockage has existed and … Symptoms | Exercises for a vertebral blockage in BWS

Summary | Exercises for a vertebral blockage in BWS

Summary Overall, vertebral blockages in the thoracic spine can be a very tiresome affair for those affected. In particular, if accompanying symptoms such as shortness of breath are added to the usual pain symptoms, this can be very threatening for the patient. The movement restrictions associated with the blockage can be very stressful in everyday … Summary | Exercises for a vertebral blockage in BWS

Rowing while standing

“Rowing standing up” Stand with your knees slightly bent, hip-wide. Actively straighten your upper body by pointing your sternum upwards and pulling your shoulder blades backwards/downwards. Both arms are stretched forward at shoulder level. Now pull your elbows back as far as possible at shoulder level. The hands continue to point forward. The shoulder blades … Rowing while standing

Rowing standing up with the Theraband

“Rowing standing up” Stand with your knees slightly bent, hip-wide. Fix a theraband around a door- window handle. Pull both ends backwards at shoulder height as if you were rowing. Your upper body will actively straighten up by lifting your sternum and pulling your shoulders backwards/downwards. Perform two sets of 15 repetitions each. Continue with … Rowing standing up with the Theraband

Hyperextension Exercise for Thoracic Spine Diseases

Hyperextension lying: Go into the prone position. Your gaze is constantly directed downwards and your toes keep contact with the floor. Keep both arms in the air with bent elbows parallel to the floor. Now pull your elbows towards your upper body and straighten your upper body. The feet remain on the floor and the … Hyperextension Exercise for Thoracic Spine Diseases

Exercises in nerve root compression in BWS

In the case of nerve root compression and the resulting constriction of the nerve, unpleasant sensory disturbances and further complaints can occur. In the following you will learn which exercises can help. Physiotherapeutic intervention In the case of existing nerve root compression, it is necessary to intervene quickly to prevent long-term damage. Patients who are … Exercises in nerve root compression in BWS

Further measures | Exercises in nerve root compression in BWS

Further measures In addition to exercise therapy, there are various other physiotherapeutic measures that have an influence on the symptoms of nerve root compression: Electrotherapy, massages, heat and cold applications, as well as fascial techniques loosen the tissue and tense muscles and influence the perception of pain. Tape applications can have a supporting effect on … Further measures | Exercises in nerve root compression in BWS

Symptoms | Exercises in nerve root compression in BWS

Symptoms As described above, the nerves transmit stimuli and feelings coming from the body and the environment to the central nervous system and vice versa, they transmit movement commands from the brain to the body. If these pathways are now interrupted on their way by nerve root compression, this leads to a reduction in perception, … Symptoms | Exercises in nerve root compression in BWS

Exercises against scoliosis

It is important in the treatment that those affected can exercise regularly and can perform these exercises independently. Only then can Schroth’s treatment be successful. It should be understood what deformation of the spinal column is present (convex or concave scoliosis in the lumbar spine or BWS). Physiotherapy is used to treat this pathological direction … Exercises against scoliosis