Confrontation therapy | Therapy of agoraphobia

Confrontation therapy Within behavioral therapy, confrontation with anxiety-inducing situations has proven to be a successful method for losing the fear of situations or objects. The affected person consciously seeks out the situations (often accompanied by the therapist) that he or she has avoided in the past or only sought out with great fear. The aim … Confrontation therapy | Therapy of agoraphobia

Social phobia

Synonyms Fear Phobia Definition A social phobia is the permanent fear of meeting and interacting with other people and especially the fear of negative evaluation by others. With social phobia, as with any other phobia, the sufferer feels a logically incomprehensible (irrational) fear. In social phobia, as the name suggests, this fear is related to … Social phobia

Therapy | Social phobia

Therapy The most important approach in the therapy of social phobia is also here the so-called behavior therapy. The therapeutic approach is a very practical one. In various exercises, the patient is guided to the difficult situations. This can be done either by imagining a “dangerous” situation together with the therapist and experiencing it in … Therapy | Social phobia

Fear of flying

Synonyms Aerophobia, Aviophobia, Aeroneurosis Symptoms In addition to the symptoms of specific anxiety (link), the following symptoms in particular occur in about 1/3 of all persons affected by the fear of flying: The fear of flying can manifest itself on different levels: Even before a person suffering from fear of flying is in the aircraft, … Fear of flying

Specific anxiety

Synonym in a broader sense “isolated phobia”, archnophobia, fear of certain situations, fear of spiders, fear of injections, animal phobia, fear of flying Definition Specific anxiety (specific phobia, also known as isolated phobia) refers to the pronounced and long-lasting anxiety reaction that is related to specific objects (e.g. fear of a spider, med. arachnophobia) or … Specific anxiety

EpidemiologyResources | Specific anxiety

EpidemiologyResources A specific anxiety (specific phobia) occurs most frequently in the population compared to the other anxiety disorders (social phobia, agoraphobia, etc.). Within the specific phobia, the following types occur more frequently: Studies have shown that 5-20% of German citizens fall ill each year. Gender-specific differences are also evident here, as women are much more … EpidemiologyResources | Specific anxiety