The Morning after Pill: Pros and Cons

Until the beginning of 2015, Germany was one of the few countries in Europe where the “morning-after pill” was only available by prescription – although the “Expert Committee on Prescription”, which advises the Federal Ministry of Health, had been campaigning for its release from prescription requirements since 2003. In addition, proponents of prescription-free dispensing by … The Morning after Pill: Pros and Cons

Hormone IUD

The hormonal IUD, also known as an intrauterine system (IUS), is a plastic body about three centimeters in size, usually T-shaped, that is inserted into the uterus like the conventional IUD. While contraception in the latter is provided, among other things, by the copper ions released, the IUS releases a small amount of the synthetically … Hormone IUD

Typical Problems with Partnership and Sexuality

Sexuality and partnership – topics like sexuality, venereal diseases, contraception, desire for children, pregnancy and birth accompany our lives. Love keeps healthy – talking about disorders of sexual functions is worthwhile. You can be helped with premature ejaculation (ejaculatio praecox), libido and erectile dysfunction as well as orgasm problems and dyspareunia (pain during intercourse). Contraception … Typical Problems with Partnership and Sexuality