Duration of a bruise in the uterus | Duration of bruising

Duration of a bruise in the uterus Bruises in the uterus usually occur in early pregnancy, i.e. in the first third of the pregnancy. Under certain circumstances, such bruising can impair the pregnancy. Similar to an internal bruise, the duration of a bruise in the uterus, which in principle is also an internal bruise, also … Duration of a bruise in the uterus | Duration of bruising

Duration of bruising

Resorption phases of a hematoma In the case of a haematoma, four different phases can usually be distinguished. A bruise is caused by bleeding under the skin, so that red blood pigment (haemoglobin) is under the skin. Immediately after the injury (usually a blunt trauma), the affected area therefore turns red due to the accumulation … Duration of bruising

Bruise on the face

Introduction Bruises are also called haematomas or colloquially bruises and are skin bleedings. Accordingly, blood has collected in the soft tissue due to a blood vessel injury. This can happen in the face as well as anywhere on the body. The blood vessels are usually injured or even destroyed by physical violence, such as blows … Bruise on the face

Contusion coccyx

The coccyx bruise is one of the most common and painful injuries a person can suffer. Older people and athletes in particular are often affected by a coccyx contusion or even a coccyx fracture (fracture) or luxation (dislocation). Located at the lower end of the spine, the coccyx, also known as Os coccygis, is responsible … Contusion coccyx

Bruise on the thigh

Definition In the case of a bruise (haematoma), blood from an injured blood vessel leaks into the surrounding tissue. Depending on the depth of the injured blood vessel, the blood collects in the subcutaneous fatty tissue or in the connective tissue around the muscles (muscle boxes). On the thigh, such bruises often occur as a … Bruise on the thigh